Kataklysm: STILL Complaining About Not Getting the Opeth Tour


Usurper of the Goat
Jan 19, 2004
Olympia, WA & Dallas, TX
In a recent interview with On Track Magazine, KATAKLYSM vocalist Maurizio Iacono was asked about the animosity between the KATAKLYSM camp and DEVILDRIVER over the fact that DEVILDRIVER were added as support for OPETH's last U.S. tour — a slot that KATAKLYSM were up for and didn't get (Story#1, Story#2, Story#3, Story#4). "This whole thing got blown into a crazy situation," he said. "I don't regret what I said because I really believe what I said and it was more out of an anger against the situation than anything. We were confirmed for this tour, I've heard that the singer of OPETH didn't even know that we were supposed to be on this tour, which I don't really believe. But we were confirmed for the tour, we were offered the package, we negotiated a price for it, we got it, we got the tour dates with all the information for the venues — we were pretty much about to say we were on it. And then we got notified that all of a sudden OPETH's management said they weren't too sure about having us, even though we were already done with negotiations. And then they were forcing us to make a decision, 'Are you cool? We need an answer now.' We decided to go for it 'cause it's a good tour for us; we never had a real big tour in the U.S. in thirteen years and now we finally had a shot, we were happy with it. And then OPETH's management goes online everywhere and says, 'Well, if DEVILDRIVER doesn't take the spot KATAKLYSM's gonna take it. Meaning we're gonna be filling a hole. I got aggravated about it and I received phone calls from other magazines asking my opinion on the situation, especially after they decided to go with DEVILDRIVER. My whole thing with this is, it's not about if we lost the tour or not, we did, it was a bad thing for us to lose it. At the same time if it would have been KATATONIA or any other death metal band in the scene that woulda got it, I woulda been cool with it, I wouldn't say nothin'. For me it was more about a band that never supported extreme music, never had any band opening up for 'em, like MORBID ANGEL or KATAKLYSM or SUFFOCATION or anybody, helping these underground bands get more exposure. Now, all of a sudden, he's [DEVILDRIVER frontman Dez Fafara, formerly of COAL CHAMBER] a metalhead, he hates everything he's done in eight years, and goes into the death metal scene and gets a shot right a way. His band's only been together for a year and a half whereas we've been together for thirteen years. Is it politics? Maybe, but I really believe somebody's lickin' ass somewhere. It happened the way it happened and we have nothing really against the band itself, we don't even know the guys, don't like their music either but that's my personal opinion. But it's not about that, it was about the politics surrounding it. Will DEVILDRIVER, if they get big, ever help any extreme music bands? I don't think so. I don't think they're gonna bring OPETH back on tour in the future or something, you know what I mean? But we always have to open that door for everybody, and they come in here and we give 'em everything and when they get big they forget about where they come from. All of a sudden he’s listening to MORBID ANGEL? It's just kind of weird and we were kind of bitter about it, we're over it now. We just wish all the bands the best of luck, but the guy did go out there and say stuff about my band afterwards, sayin' that I'm this and that. And I said, 'Dude, if you are real about this stuff then come and get in the van and tour, do it the underground way, don't overstep everything. Just do it the right way and get the recognition. 'Cause this scene, man, for me the underground is something that you've built, you live it; it's not something that you get overnight as a band and are just supposed to be true to it. It's something that you've gotta work hard to build and have that fan base that supports you. But it's kinda gotten out of hand. (Laughing)"
Meh, he's not "still complaining." He mentions that they're over it now, but I'm sure he still holds a grudge otherwise he wouldn't be talking about it in an interview.

Yes, Devildriver does suck
I 100% agree with what the guy has to say. I mean, if the singer from Nickelback all of a sudden started a new death metal band, they would have a huge well payed and planned out tour right away, where as most new extreme metal acts are forced to play small ass gigs and parties their first year or so, it's fucking bullshit. It's like funding a shitty movie like Battlefield Earth and lots of people go see it too just because Travolta is in it.
This whole thing is unnecessary really, since it's all about politics rather than "who's more metal for the tour?" But yeah...I never got how Devildriver is "death metal" or more a more traditional extreme metal band. Dez was saying "All you heard is me in coal chamber, take a listen to what I'm doing now..."

...wow you still play Jumpcore.
I'm with him there. It's not the first time that management beurocratics has fucked someone over. I feel for the dude, having worked for so many years in the underground and finally getting this big break to tour in the US, when some overnight poser bullshit act gets it simply because they draw more of a crowd.
why does everyone hate devildriver? of course theyre not as good as opeth but theyre not that bad of a band. i like kataklysm and devildriver and coal chamber but i still know opeth is the best band around. that doesnt mean that everyone else sucks
x3x opeth x2x said:
why does everyone hate devildriver? of course theyre not as good as opeth but theyre not that bad of a band. i like kataklysm and devildriver and coal chamber but i still know opeth is the best band around. that doesnt mean that everyone else sucks

Because it's simplistic noise posing as death metal.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
I 100% agree with what the guy has to say. I mean, if the singer from Nickelback all of a sudden started a new death metal band, they would have a huge well payed and planned out tour right away, where as most new extreme metal acts are forced to play small ass gigs and parties their first year or so, it's fucking bullshit. It's like funding a shitty movie like Battlefield Earth and lots of people go see it too just because Travolta is in it.

lol at your battlefield earth comment...it proved your point but was pretty random...
i understand where hes coming from. Fafara seems to have played the card of established frontman to start another band and get immediate recognition. however, devil driver play very basic music and are not a good fit with opeth. devil driver suck in my opinion.
yet, Iacono plays music for a living for gods sake. i have to go to a high stress job (yeah, its my choice blah blah) and he gets to drive around in a van and play some music. if i was a pro musician id be happy as a motherfucker......
well i hate nu metal and i have really been getting into Kataklysm at the moment, it doesnt have the beauty of a meldic band, but fuck is it good to headbang to, and anyway, DD are no fucking death metal band, they have nothing to do with it, i think that its a shame because now i doubt kataklysm would want to tour with opeth, even though its not their fault, so less likely for a tour, and everyone fucking hated devildriver, they gained no more fans, and it was just a ploy to pull num metal kids in to ge tmore money, DD = more fans then kataklysm, ESPECIALLY in the US,

fucking management
In a recent interview with Belgium's Concreteweb.be webzine, DEVILDRIVER frontman Dez Fafara (ex-COAL CHAMBER) was asked about the animosity between KATAKLYSM and DEVILDRIVER over the fact that DEVILDRIVER were added as support for OPETH's last U.S. tour — a slot that KATAKLYSM were up for and didn't get. "Well, apparently Michael [Åkerfeldt] from OPETH came on later and said [KATAKLYSM] weren't even supposed to be on the tour, that they never were even considered for the tour," Fafara said. "So I guess the whole beef that [KATAKLYSM vocalist Maurizio Iacono] started was for no reason."

Asked about Iacono's statements that condemn Dez and his position towards touring, suggesting that Maurizio's doing it because he loves touring and it is what he believes in, while Dez is only doing it for the money, Fafara said, "I think he should think out what he says next time that he opens his mouth. Because every time he sells an album or every time he plays a gig and sells a t-shirt or for every time he charges people to get to a show… Aren't you making money? If you're so in it not for the money and it's just for your music, then I want you to give away your CDs, give away your t-shirts, let me come in to the shows for free and have your mom drive you to the show because you cant afford a van, obviously, or anything for that matter, transportation-wise. He needs to really think before he opens his mouth and I think that's one of the things that I do."

"I'm fortunate that I have great management and booking agent and label and other people to take care of those things and I can just be an artist. I am very fortunate in that matter. But this is the music business and anyone will tell you that there's obviously a business aspect to it. When you see IN FLAMES' buses and trucks and lights, there's obviously a business aspect to make themselves be able to do this. So he just needs to think. I mean, he's gonna hope that he one day has a couple of tour buses and lights and can go play big shows, I'm sure. And at that time, he's not gonna be doing it for free. Whereas actually [for] the last eight months, I've been working almost for free, so he has no idea what he's talking about. I've been sleeping on the floor of RVs, almost dying in the snow, putting my best foot forward, which is what only any good man can do really."