Wasn't Devy supposed to tour with Opeth?


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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Sorry if this has already been discussed. A couple of months ago, I bought tickets for Opeth for the Chicago show and for Milwaukee because they were supposed to be joined by Dark Tranq and Dev Townsend. Friday morning, when I got directions online, I noticed Devildriver on the bill and no Dev?? WTF? Anyways, I went to both shows, Chicago was great and Milwaukee was very good also, but the sound was bad for Dark Tranq and Devildriver was pretty lame. Anyways, anyone know why and when Dev left the tour?? Did he do any shows with Opeth? Thanks a lot!
Yeah he did all of them just not that one, thats unfortunate isnt it...nah he only did something like the first 6 dates
Yes, the DTB did in fact play shows with Opeth, and the last one was Feb 28th in London Ontario. I was lucky enough to see them then, and it was phenomenal... I wish it was just DTB and Opeth all tour... the keyboards low live unfortunatly, but hey, Dev makes up for it with his witty antics...

I defenitly feel for you man, sitting through Devil Driver is not fun. :Puke:
Did Devy leave the tour for a reason? Sick or something? I was really psyched to see him, only to be subjected to devildriver. I mean seriously, they couldn't have found someone better?? Or even better, have DT and Opeth split the extra time :-)!
The tour was always setup that way. Don't know why. I would guess because devildriver is now labelmates with Opeth & couldn't be there for the first few shows so DTB was added for the first few shows.