an idea to rid the tour of Devildriver

Wow. I can't beleive there are still people that close minded. Your saying boo off DevilDriver... You know what. DD is the only reason I would even consider buying a ticket... but i would probably leave after their set.
no offense to opeth, just not my style... I like more melody

but i'm willing to bet that when faced with a confrontation with a person of higher IQ, you just spout off the F word several times in a babbling manner.

but for anyone calling Devil Driver or Coal Chamber Nu-Metal, you really need to reassess your genre ideas. If Devil Driver or Coal Chamber are Nu-Metal are Nu-Metal, then they are the only two bands in that category and every other band called Nu-Metal is actually someother genre

so What genre is Opeth exactly?
Someone give Moonpie a treat... he's obviously spent a lot of time thinking of ways to undermine us, the regular folk of the Opeth forum.

He's also looking for flaming... but I'm sure we can just leave it to Apocolyptic to confuse the shit out of him.

I think that the main point of branding a band with the label 'nu-metal' would be to say that they are generaly 'lowest-common-denominator-metal'... simple riffs that a trained hippo could play and boring, tonless agressive vocals that can make one shamefull that what they listen to is classed in the same gereral genre of 'metal'

To ask 'what genre is Opeth exactly' would be like asking 'how long is a peice of string'... Opeth are a dynamic metal band who not only cross genres but also bring something different into each genre that they include in their music.

unforgiven said:
i am tired of seeing really bad bands tour who dont deserve their spots. Devildriver may not be nu-metal, but they have nu-metal influences. i was just in a hurry to type that initial post. nevertheless, i've listened to a few of their tracks and their music is quite subpar. OPEN-MINDED? that term is used far too loosely. i appreciate many forms of music, as long as their talented and energetic. Devildriver may have energy. but i sure know that their music sucks, maybe argueably mediocre.

Devildriver has no nu-metal influences. This is a fact shown here:

My question for the band is: Speaking in musical terms who are your influences? & What bands have you guys been listening too?

Dez: Musical influences range from black metal, to death metal, to everything that heavy metal is.

Lina said:
I was watching Headbangers Ball for a brief second, and the singer was saying, "I could care less." And that mistake drives me crazy (should obviously be "I couldn't care less"), so I wanted to see what band of idiots I was listening to.

Its not a mistake, it is supposed to 'could', I know normally the phrase would be said with 'couldnt' but its said 'could' deliberately for a reason.

Only time will tell when you all go and see Opeth and you watch Devildriver playing, they may not be as bad as you think. Im not saying you have to like them, all Im saying is that its a chance to try something fresh and different.
No one wants to be numetal. Most mallcore bands claim they are not and that they have black and death metal influences. DD ARE nu-metal. If they have those influences then they do not show them at all. Maybe they think wearing pentagram shirts counts as influences.
Lina said:
I was watching Headbangers Ball for a brief second, and the singer was saying, "I could care less." And that mistake drives me crazy (should obviously be "I couldn't care less")
OR, maybe the singer does care of the public opinion and was just behaving pseudo-intellectually. Don't be so hasty. :)

Hello, World! :wave:
Moonpie Follower said:
Wow. I can't beleive there are still people that close minded. Your saying boo off DevilDriver... You know what. DD is the only reason I would even consider buying a ticket... but i would probably leave after their set.
no offense to opeth, just not my style... I like more melody

Please listen to the band before saying such a thing. You can like Devildriver better it's ok, but don't say it's more melodic than Opeth. It is completely wrong.
If most nu metal sounded like DevilDriver I might like it more. Seriously though when was the last time some of you guys heard nu metal? Twisted Method? Endo? Linkin Park? Unloco?*vomits*. I don't mean to say everyone should like DevilDriver or that they're straight up death metal or whatever, I just don't think they're nu metal. Hopefully they'll put on a good show, that's the real test of a band's abilities anyway. If they suck live, I'll gladly eat my own words.

By the way, Hello! I don't think I've posted on the Opeth boards yet, though I've been visiting them for awhile now.
DevilDriver does blow a giant sack but theres no reason to force them off the tour. If that were my band and I trying to make money by making music that would piss me the hell off that stupid ass wastes are trying to boo me off a tour because they cant appreciate anything except their almighty Favorite group. I love Opeth as much as everyone here but I held back from boo the hell out of Tapping the Vain.. possibly one of the worst bands I've ever heard.
DEZ FAFARA: 'SEVENDUST Are Like Old, Watered-Down Coca-Cola' - Jan. 14, 2004

DEVILDRIVER/ex-COAL CHAMBER frontman Dez Fafara has spoken to about his ongoing "feud" with SEVENDUST and his decision to form DEVILDRIVER halfway through the recording sessions for COAL CHAMBER's last album, "Dark Days".

When asked if he feels the whole SEVENDUST "nonsense" has helped or hurt DEVILDRIVER as far as getting the band's name out there, Dez said, "Uh… SEVENDUST. Dude, I didn't even know they were still a band. They're surely kicking the last can, aren't they? I don't even know what they stand for anymore. They are kind of like old, watered-down Coca-Cola in the morning. You just don't want to drink it. You want to throw it away and go get a new one. Yeah."

Regarding his new band and the decision to form DEVILDRIVER, Fafara said, "Well, you've got to know that when I was presented with the second COAL CHAMBER album, even though Ozzy was going to be on it with me, I was unhappy. The band, from that time on, we really hadn't been talking at all. We really hadn't had a great relationship. We really weren't talking at all. By the time the end of the second record, we were in separate buses and everything else. So, when the third album came up, I had actually said, 'If you make something heavier, then I'll do it.' That's why you get 'Dark Days', which is a little bit heavier — heavier by the way that COAL CHAMBER is. So, I decided to do it, but I was making demos for DEVILDRIVER while I was doing the 'Dark Days' album. I'd spend 8, 9, 10 hours in a day working on 'Dark Days', and come back late at night and be doing DEVILDRIVER demos, only because I just knew that it was over. I sensed a change in the wind in music. I've always been that guy that could sense what was going on. What's going on with me is usually going against what's going on. I just saw a lot of really commercial metal stuff going on, and I knew that we were founders of that scene, along with a lot of other bands. It was time to kill your own scene. I've got a shirt that my wife made me that says, 'Kill Your Own Scene,' and I wear it around my house just as proud as could be."
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