Katatonia confirmed to SummerBreeze 09

I have no idea...train I guess. Maybe I'll get someone that has a car to go, we will see

and srsly, fuck everyone who thinks equilibrium suck. metmetmetmetmetmetmeeeeeeeeet
Are you sure Ryanair lands in Frankfurt am Main and not some other weird Frankfurt? I remember there being some confusion about that a while back, they're not far apart but I think there's a smaller Frankfurt with a different subname thing where Ryanair lands. Might have changed by now though.
Don't worry, Stefan, Frankfurt Hahn is the good one :) The wrong Frankfurt would be Frankfurt/ Oder, that one's close to Berlin (pretty far from Summer Breeze). As far as I know, it doesn't have an international airport, so you can't really go wrong here ;)
I'm sorry I can't help you out with a car ride this time, Frankfurt Hahn isn't on my way at all. But you can try and ask in the Summer Breeze forum (subforum Mitfahrzentrale), you might find a driver there.
Or you fly to Nürnberg, Air Berlin goes there from Stockholm I think, not sure whether it's a direct flight though. Anyway, in that case I could possibly pick you up 'cause I'm (almost) passing Nürnberg...
Ah no, wait. I just checked and here comes the more correct info: Frankfurt Hahn is actually about 120 km west of Frankfurt Main. So that's a little further away from Summer Breeze. Still way better than Frankfurt Oder :D
Hmm, okay :) Gotta give it some thought and check out airport and airlines to see which things works out best. Judging by the maps it's either Ryanair to Frankfurt or finding some Nürnberg flight. I have to get to that place somehow! If you're willing to drive us from Nürnberg that would be an awesome option of course. I didn't know if I'd dare to ask again since you were so friendly last time helping out with everything :) If we find a decent flight to Nürnberg and if you'd be willing to tolerate our crazy conduct again it's probably the best option for sure :)
I've tolerated worse people than you...;)
I can't really promise anything yet, don't know when I'll pass Nürnberg, Thursday noon would be likely but I can't say it for sure so far. I suppose you wouldn't want to spend half a day (or night) at the airport or something. We'll see, there's still plenty of time to make plans...
I suggest you also check flights to Karlsruhe (Ryanair) and Stuttgart (German Wings) and see what fits best. Both of them are actually a good bit closer to the festival than Frankfurt Hahn. Although only Nürnberg is on my way.
Hehe, I love planning trips, even when it's not for myself...
I just finished studying the directions for the Kata- meeting this weekend, time to go to bed now, good night!