Katatonia in Europe - Spring 2003!!!!!


Watch out for BLÖTT!
Jun 15, 2002
Brussels / Belgium
Katatonia will tour Europe during Spring 2003, after the realease of "viva emptiness", due on March 24th...

Confirmed dates are:

Apr. 02 - Tavastia - Helsinki, FIN
Apr. 03 - Lutakko - Jyväskylä, FIN
Apr. 04 - Tuiskula - Nivala, FIN
Apr. 05 - Säätämö - Turku, FIN
Apr. 08 - TBA - Hamburg, GER
Apr. 09 - TBA - Berlin, GER
Apr. 10 - TV Studio Krzemionki - Krakow, POL
Apr. 12 - TBA - Munich, GER
Apr. 13 - TBA - TBA (East), GER
Apr. 15 - TBA - TBA, GER
Apr. 16 - TBA - TBA, GER
Apr. 17 - TBA - Frankfurt, GER
Apr. 18 - TBA - Stuttgart, GER
Apr. 19 - Dioxin - Schindellegi/Schwyz, SWI
Apr. 20 - Transilvania Live - Milan, ITA
Apr. 22 - Alpheus - Rome, ITA
Apr. 23 - La Gabbia - Bassano de Grappa (VI), ITA
Apr. 24 - TBA - Marseille, FRA
Apr. 25 - K.G.B - Barcelona, ESP
Apr. 26 - Caracol - Madrid, ESP
Apr. 27 - Le Son - Coimbra, POR
Apr. 29 - Republicca II - Valencia, SPA
Apr. 30 - Koslow - Bordeaux, FRA
May 01 - La Locomotive - Paris, FRA
May 02 - Splendid - Lille, FRA
May 03 - Rock City - Nottingham, UK
May 04 - Bierkeller - Bristol, UK
May 06 - Bierkeller - Manchester, UK
May 07 - Cathouse - Glasgow, UK
May 08 - Rio - Bradford, UK
May 09 - The Underworld/ULU - London, UK
May 10 - Eland - Gent, BEL
May 11 - Tivoli - Utrecht, NETH
May 12 - TBA - Essen/Bochum, GER
May 14 - Vega - Copenhagen, DEN
May 15 - TBA - Goteborg, SWE
May 16 - TBA - Oslo, NOR
May 17 - TBA - Stockholm, SWE

Support in Finland: Lullacry & Pornophans
Support in Europe: Daylight Dies & To/Die/For
I really need to move to Germany.

I wish I were going to be in Sweden at that time...maybe next year. My luck they'll come to the US while I'm in Europe. I hope they come to the US later in 2003. :)