Katatonia influence? Bonnie Prince


Jun 4, 2003
Ann Arbor Michigan U.S.
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So my roomate and I have similar tastes in music, but for the most part we arent hardcore into the same bands.
I got into The Red House Painters awhile back, later I got into Kent. Obviously those bands have some sort of influence on Katatonia (of course my favorite band).
My roomates favorite band is Acidbath. Dax Riggs (singer for Acidbath) later in his career in a band called Deadboy and the Elephant Men covered a song by Bonnie Prince who has all sorts of synonyms for his self and is involved in all kinds of side projects so sometime you could be listening to him and not even know it because he changed his name again. He was part of a group called The Palace Brothers (along with Songs Ohia and Slint).
Anyway My roomate said tonight that there is a lyric at the beginning of a Bonnie Prince song that clearly (2 times in a row) says "If you have no one, no one can hurt you". I am in no way accusing anyone of ripping off lyrics of anything so dont bother getting into that, I think Jonas was singing about Bonnie Princes song. This is monumental to me. A peice of the puzzle fitting together?
I will be getting the lyric sheet for that tomorrow and will get the facts straight and post it. I just find the linkage to all these bands really f-in cool. We thought when we first listened to Bonnie Prince that he was a nobody and we hadnt put anything together till now. I think this is an interesting subject for this forum so if you all would indulge me with your thoughts I would appreciate it.
If I remember correctly, Jonas said in one interview that he borrowed "If you have no one, no one can hurt you" from some artist.
It's borrowed from "You will miss me when I burn". Another song of him is called "Tonight's Decision (and thereafter)", by the way. Will Oldham seems to have a huge lyrical influence on Jonas.
Yes will Oldham is big influence on Jonas.

If we want to play the game "find influences, quotations etc." among what have been mentioned here so far I'd also add the lines from "Kid of arith" (Arise therefore) "as i am only wind and weather, only to you" which remind a little bit of "I'm only weather, but only to me" of I Break...

It's nice sometimes to find some hints to another lyricist or to an author, etc. but of course without crossing the bounds...some allusions are dued sometime to pure chance!