katatonia-noob question


Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)
hi all there.

I'm a katatonia-noob and I've just bought Viva Emptiness jewel-case on Ebay.
I have a question: the version I've bought is a bit strange. The plastic support on which you put the cd is totally black, while usually cds have transparent plastic so you can see through. I removed this plastic thingy and under it I found some strange writings, like a dialogue. My question is: is it normal to have the non-transparent plastic thing (and the writings under it are supposed to be hidden somehow) or was I ripped off?


a Katatonia FAQ nooooooooo this is getting gay when you do that, one thing i like about this forum is that its very relaxed, everyone likes a personal answer.
lol, i didnt know abt the writing under the black tray either. *laughs*
precisly yesterday i was wondering why didnt they made it transparent i though they ran out of ideas for art work lol.
Oh speaking of buying stuff off ebay :P..
i bought tonights decision from a russian dude, brand new sealed, and for some reason it doesn't play waaaaa
any one got any ideas as of why is this happening? hehe my hypothesis was that russains have diff cd player, but (oh-thanks-God-Ignorance) i was told thts not true. Wee getting into my nerves!!!