Katatonia, Orphaned Land and more At the Masquerade Atlanta 10/4/10

Katatonia last night was excellent. Unfortunately I arrived late and missed both Orphaned Land and Swallow The Sun, and it's rare these days a tour comes through where I like every single band on the bill.

Katatonia were extremely tight and were generally able to recreate the atmosphere and feelings generated by their albums. A few of the sounds were sampled, but mostly they had the effects on stage they needed to reproduce the layers of subtle richness felt in their music. And when they were heavy, they were HEAVY. It was a terrific live show. They had a great stage presence and were very into it and the crowd fed off that. I was surprised by the number of little pits I saw break out.
Check out "Hope".

+1 or maybe +3 by this point. :)

Katatonia were extremely tight ...... And when they were heavy, they were HEAVY. It was a terrific live show. They had a great stage presence and were very into it and the crowd fed off that. I was surprised by the number of little pits I saw break out.

I thought that was really cool to see. We had a good view of the pit from the entrance overlooking the floor (for some reason, security had stopped 'cleaning off' that area, not that WE were complaining!) and during the heavier moments of most of Katatonia's songs a pit would form, then slacken off as the song wound down. Great show from them and a good, appreciative audience all night, too.

Gotta say, it was an excellent show all the way through. Orphaned Land were great, StS were very good and Katatonia were great to cap things off. Since I'm more familiar with OL than StS I wish the former had been direct support instead of StS at this particular tour-stop...and judging from the crowd reaction, it seemed like OL had more response than Sts here. No surprise, of course, with OL's previous 3-time PPUSA exposure.

That's strange. Their music doesn't really lend itself to pits. There wasn't a single bit a movement at the Chicago show outside of headbanging.

Maybe your audience was just lamer. :)
I thought that was really cool to see. We had a good view of the pit from the entrance overlooking the floor (for some reason, security had stopped 'cleaning off' that area, not that WE were complaining!) and during the heavier moments of most of Katatonia's songs a pit would form, then slacken off as the song wound down. Great show from them and a good, appreciative audience all night, too.

Did you notice all the meathead jocks in the pit?? It seemed like the were looking for Slipknot and found this instead.
Thoroughly enjoyed the Katatonia and Orphand land performance. Not so much STS, just not my kind of music. I was however pleasently surprised by the local act VOR. They really gave a strong performance. Look forward to catching them again
I went, I saw, and I'm still in utter awe of what I witnessed. It was my first time seeing Katatonia live, over a year after my first Opeth experience and I didn't think anything could surpass seeing Opeth but my Katatonia ride did. The difference being, the venues. I saw Opeth in a seated venue, Katatonia performing at the smallest level of the Masquerade at first upset me. I'm looking around, shaking my head, knowing they deserved the upper levels but much to my surprise the size of the venue is what made the show!

It was more intimate/ personal and got me to join in during the pitting that would break out during the intense moments of each song (as mentioned above.)
Truthfully, I'd never cared much for the idea of moshing/pitting what have you up until October 4th. I certainly wouldn't have dreamt of doing so during my favorite band, feeling as though it would take away from being able to see what was right in front of me (I was so star struck..) But "in the heat of the moment" as they say, I couldn't resist and I don't feel it took away from being able to enjoy the show at all! I think it impressed the guys as I had VIP passes and the band commented, "We were impressed with the crowds response, seeing how it's a Monday evening."

I cowered during the meet and greet sadly.. I had everything I wanted to say and do planned out since June (when I bought my tickets) I had months to prepare! It didn't quite work out that way however... Especially once I stood in front of Jonas and stared into his eyes... I mumbled something about how I was pleased to hear their stolen equipment had been returned, got his signature on my "Night is the New Day Album" (which took a beating during the show), and shamefully moved on. I've been kicking myself ever since but then I just remember how utterly insane/incredible the show was and I get over it, a little. ;)

If you had a problem with the pits and are going to waste your time discouraging (the) ones **attempt at Katatonia pun..** who were enjoying the show, then you wasted your money to sit back and scowl at people getting their moneys worth. I'm not implying pits should be for everyone by no means, but if that's all you have to reflect upon after that amazing show, is your distaste for others enjoyment, save your money for the next Dream Theater show instead. Back to my initial point, FUCKING INCREDIBLE SHOW! I teared up when I heard them going into "Saw You Drown." Would have loved to of heard "Nephilim" and even more from Great Cold Distance-- or any Brave Murder Day! But I knew BMD was never going to happen. However, I really can't complain. The latest record blew me amongst many others (including Akerfeldt) away.. Like a good wine, Katatonia only grows tastier with age.

If you had a problem with the pits and are going to waste your time discouraging (the) ones **attempt at Katatonia pun..** who were enjoying the show, then you wasted your money to sit back and scowl at people getting their moneys worth. I'm not implying pits should be for everyone by no means, but if that's all you have to reflect upon after that amazing show, is your distaste for others enjoyment, save your money for the next Dream Theater show instead. Back to my initial point, FUCKING INCREDIBLE SHOW! I teared up when I heard them going into "Saw You Drown." Would have loved to of heard "Nephilim" and even more from Great Cold Distance-- or any Brave Murder Day! But I knew BMD was never going to happen. However, I really can't complain. The latest record blew me amongst many others (including Akerfeldt) away.. Like a good wine, Katatonia only grows tastier with age.

I agree with this completely. I'm not a mosher, but have no issue with others enjoying themselves. To each their own. Awesome show.
Hell has better sound than Heaven anyhow. And based on the turnout, it was the right size of place.
Did you notice all the meathead jocks in the pit?? It seemed like the were looking for Slipknot and found this instead.

I didn't notice more than, I suppose, the usual, but toward the end of the night I think some people were wandering in from the show upstairs. (Which was pretty crowded, judging from all the cars in the parking lot.)

Hell has better sound than Heaven anyhow. And based on the turnout, it was the right size of place.

Absolutely. I've never seen/heard a truly bad show downstairs...I -have- seen (or heard) some lousy ones upstairs. :)
I've been hitting shows at the masq for almost 20 years and this is the first I've seen in Hell. If I hadn't checked the website and noticed, I'd had tried to go upstairs. How long has Hell been a concert option for the masq? I have seen some shows with less than 50 people upstairs and it is downright depressing.
I've been hitting shows at the masq for almost 20 years and this is the first I've seen in Hell. If I hadn't checked the website and noticed, I'd had tried to go upstairs. How long has Hell been a concert option for the masq? I have seen some shows with less than 50 people upstairs and it is downright depressing.

Wow really? I've only been going there for 4 or 5 years and I've seen upwards of 30 in hell. Even the last time Katatonia played here that's where they were.
How long has Hell been a concert option for the masq? I have seen some shows with less than 50 people upstairs and it is downright depressing.

They've been using Hell for concerts for at least a decade, but they made some modifications to make the stage more band-friendly about six years ago, which was when I think they really took off with it.

In fairness, the band that played upstairs drew a much bigger crowd than Katatonia et al.

I'm really upset now that I've discovered that some of the money OL's tour-manager absconded with....would have been my merch-money from Atlanta, the night before. :mad: