With some opinions in this thread, let's see:
First, when i buy a tribute, i don't want listen the songs exactly as this songs appear in the normal cd. For me, that i know very well all songs, it's great listen songs like FOSCOR-Gateways of Bereavement. It sounds faster, agressive, but at first time i could recognize what song i was listening. So great job in this direction.
About the bands and its famous status: Those bands i'm sure that love Katatonia from the beginning of the days, and they worked at their best level because they love it. I have a band, and one day if I can i would play songs from Katatonia, 'cause they're a referent for me. I have doubts about if first Katatonia albums are a reference for Rapture, Novembre or any famous band i could read. And i could discover new and fresh bands in this Cd, so better!
And last: Each song has something interesting. Some songs sound better than others, but i love each song, specially for the different sound of the original cd. THIS IS THE SECRET OF A TRIBUT IN MY OPINION, could compare cold ways with DO-cold ways, could compare Love of the swan with the original War compilation-love of the swan... I don't want a listen the same. In this case, i will listen the original.
That's all, and i respect all opinions, but this is my vision and also i want say thanks to NORTHERN SILENCE for the job. Great tribut, man!:
P.D: FOSCOR-Gracies pel Gateways que us heu parit!!! Fantastic i espero poder-lo escoltar en directe algun dia compartint escenari a Catalunya!