Katatonia's show at Jaxx

Bleak Eyes

Jun 16, 2003
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When I saw the first date of the North American show, it was a really weird experience. I maybe had too many expectations, but it was really only a song or two that I really wanted to hear for sure. If they played them, I would be very satisfied with anything else they played. Really, that was not too big of a deal if they didn't play those two in particular, there were just a couple of things that I was expecting. I was also standing right in front of where Anders would be playing, and I expected him to be going crazy all night.

When I was waiting outside before the venue opened, I heard them rehearsing Clean Today. This was one of the tracks that I was expecting to hear, and I was stoked that I knew that they would be playing it. Well, they didn't play it. The other track that I was expecting to hear was Dissolving Bonds at the encore. Well, no Dissolving Bonds, and no encore either. Like I said, maybe I set my expectations too high, but it was just really weird that they would not play an encore on their very first show of their very first headlining tour of North America. I was kind of bummed out.

Also, Anders looked totally mad and upset the entire show. He didn't look up at all until he was leaving the stage. I was really bothered, only because Anders is usually so upbeat and energetic, but he just looked seriously out of it.

When I read other reviews of every other show on the tour, they played an encore on every show except Jaxx.

I was just wondering if Anders or someone else in the band could fill us in on what exactly was going on with the Jaxx show. Like I said, it was overall peculiar. I am not being cynical or anything, I was just curious if there was something with the venue going on, or if they were just simply jet lagged. Even so, Anders seemed really out of it, and that seemed very unusual for such an electric guy to be down.

Sorry to bother, but thanks for any response.
Yeah, what exactly made it so bad?

I think that you guys sounded great, but I know that a couple of the other bands were having some technical issues. Not really sure if you guys experienced any of that. If you did, it was not really noticeable.
Yeah there were a lot of technical problems at the show. It kind of pissed me off for the bands because well, they shouldn't have to worry about technical problems. No worries Anders, ya'll still kicked ass.
Though I was dissapointed we didn't get to hear Dissolving Bonds and the set was shorter, what we got was fucking awesome, basically glad I got to see Katatonia again. :notworthy