Kayo Dot: Your opinions on this...

no, I think Nut Butter wanted you to name a traditionalist band that thinks that their way is the best way and mocks "gimmicks".

i think that the majority of punk and metal bands--especially those with PUNK PRIDE and METAL PRIDE--commit this crime. i think that virtually every modern country artist commits this crime. but, i'm not a "Dot".
Paul: I get asked if I'm in Kayo Dot by their opening band who "idolizes" 'em. So it's close enough.
I think if there's not a (artistic or otherwise) statement involved in going through all one has to do to get a band together, compose, perform, produce and release music then there's something seriously strange going on right there. These 'metal pride' or 'punk pride' bands xfer is talking about above are prime examples of bands that have come together to do nothing other than emulate the bands they dig and 'have fun' doing so and if I understand correctly you're calling them unwitting traditionalists and praising this fun to be had attitude they have in the same breath.

Maybe it is just fun shit having a buzzsaw symbal I don't know and I don't care to debate this anyhow. My point simply is that someone doesn't have a buzzsaw symbal unless he's trying to say something with it. Even if he doesn't realise it completely. The disdain for 'the normal way' is a statement in itself I think. This was what I was trying to discuss but maybe it came out completely different.

Anyway, a band that wrote a two-part thematic album (or whatever you want to call it) based around hidden messages and chord structures and lyrics and whatnot implying them shouldn't be the first to praise conceptual lightness in music.

this type of absolutism and snobbiness and high-class posturing is retarded.
I'm not snobbing any of these bands or their modus operandi I'm just trying to understand what it is they're supposed to be doing. One could say that you don't need to do so in order to enjoy it. I find that I cannot (al the time, at least) and for my trying to intellectually catch up I don't think I should be called a snob.
I wouldn't associate "metal pride" or "punk pride" bands with young kids, just wanting to have fun, and not to speak for xfer, but don't think that was his implication.

I was fucking around with water filled wine glasses with friends, primarily for fun, and I imagine that's how many proper bands come to include "strange" instruments.
Helm said:
I think if there's not a (artistic or otherwise) statement involved in going through all one has to do to get a band together, compose, perform, produce and release music then there's something seriously strange going on right there.
I know you're mostly talking to xfer - but the point of what I was saying was not to come down like a ton of bricks on traditionalists per se (although it would be nice if more people realized that they were adhering to a strong tradition), I was more speaking against a sort of automatic derision towards bands who make an attempt to exist outside of these traditions, and the statement inherent in this thread that "if you're going to use a trash can lid instead of an A Custom Brilliant Finish 18" Crash Cymbal, you better justify it right quick."
chupe666 said:
great, one more crappy song stuck in my head today. just like that stupid pepto-bismol commercial someone was singing this morning.
I have you beat! I have the Serbian commercial for Mr. Clean stuck in my head. Except here, he's called Mr. Proper.