Keeping time???

I did have that problem before and still a little bit if the snare is really loud in fast blastbeats. Skank beat (kick and snare in fourth notes and hi hat in eight notes) is no prob any longer. I just tapped my hand to any song that used skank beat, just to get used to it. Also I think it is smart to first program a skank beat with a loud kick, when you have that, try to just follow the hihat, then program a skank with the kick in sixteenth notes. Try to "feel the beat" and not listen only the kick or hihat, but the beat as a whole.
Blast beat is much the same only twice as "fast", kick and snare in eigth notes, hihat in eightnotes also. Try to program this beat and follow it by just playing downstrokes eightnotes on all the kicks eight notes. then follow the hihat and then the beat as a whole.. After a while all this becomes natural, you just keep the time and really dont think about the drum beat that much...

Thanks a lot for the info dude. Now if I can learn to sing (Growl) and play in time at the same time I will be golden.....LOL

Im working on my growling myself! Its hard to make it sound cool.. I think I sound like Im just burping you know :lol: What I really want is that high pitch BM vocal, guess I just have to practise alot!
I have ordred The Zen Of Screaming 2, maybe it will help, but they are so slow to ship it! Ordred it from 2 months ago!