Kefir Latency problem


Jun 10, 2008
hi folks,

everytime i switch on kefir, i have a hugh latency. no matter it i run the audiocard with 256 or 512 or above. i checked with other plugins and they are all run well.
i have a quad core, and 2 ghz ram. i put kefir on the track i record and switched to direct monitoring because i want to hear what i send into the pc. does anyone have an idea how to fix the problem?

thx in advance
i have the onyx satellite, maybe a firewire problem, uh?
thought about getting a new one, but don't know which one, thought about a PCI card to get rid of firewire cards or usb trouble.
I use the Onyx Satellite, and it performs flawlessly with TSS, Wagner MkII, and KeFIR, my scratch track chain - if you're only getting latency with KeFIR, then there's something other than your interface at fault, though getting a Firewire PCI card with a TI chipset couldn't hurt