Kelly Inn St. Paul Roll Call and Role Call

this is probably the last time I'll be on the net until I get back home on Sunday. If anyone sees me and wants to say hey...
I am eagerly anticipating a list of casualties and a thorough description of any and all mayhem and general tom foolery that is had this weekend.
[23:12] swizzlenuts: first rule
[23:12] swizzlenuts: no showing your balls
[23:12] urlinguald: ha!

fuck this.
Im the calmest, nicest guy around. be prepared to talk D&D, faggots!
Read up on your Players Handbooks

I wish I could be part of this. The DM running the campaign I was part of decided that he no longer wants to play D&D and thinks we should all play Runequest instead. I am going to give it a try, but I am going to be DMing D&D myself starting here in a few weeks. I am excited .


This is me... my hair is a bit big and fluffier since that was taken after a shower...

I'll be wearing a Darkthrone shirt (featured in that picture actully :/), Blue Jeans, and a big trashed leather trenchcoat tonight. So if ya see me, give me head on the concert room floor or something, I'll appreciate it.