Kemper Rig Manager 1.0 Public Beta Out now!!

Still waiting for it to actually sync or do anything....been sat on a blank page for 30 minutes now. I assume it's due to traffic...
It came up for me, then it synced, but now that I changed some info on a rig its just frozen in sync mode...

I just closed and reopened the program and its Ok

Its works good now!
Windows 8/64, working fine so far. It's downloading all of the rigs from my toaster, and I'm apparently such a nerd that I get really happy when two pieces of equipment are able to talk to each other.
Think I'll give this a few days before i give it a go. Still stoked to try it! Luckily I have bootcamp and windows on my macbook….
I got my profiler sync'd up now...just can't connect to the Rig Exchange but I think somebody said it's totally whacked due to traffic.
Finally got connected to the RE.
It doesn't seem to auto-connect/retry; I had to uncheck Use RE in Preferences, save, then check Use RE box, save and after a bunch of times doing that, it finally started finding them today.

Too bad there's no F5/refresh when you're on one of the Rig Folders.

I'm on Win 7 64.
After about an hour, I had all RE rigs except for about 200 of them, then it stopped.
Waited a while ...nothing.

So I figure - exit out and reconnect to get the last few.
Go back in, can't connect, Rig count: 0 :bah:

About an hour later, got back in ...started from the beginning again.
it works perfectly for me. The only thing I would like to see in the full version is to be able to switch out cabs, amps and what not just like you can in the kemper. In other words, do some tweaks and building rigs from scratch in the computer.

Actually building a profile from scratch would be awesome. Thing about it, like "create new profile", then you choose a amp from your library and then a Cab. I would like that :)