Kevin Rudd's them here

Well I don't really hate Aboriginals nor think they should be 'Spanished', nor do I think their treatment in the past has been fair, however when I'm expected to feel personally guilty or apologise to someone just because their ancestors had a hard life, I feel entitled to a bit of a shit-stir.

Ok, that's a bit better. But it's not their ancestors. The "stolen generation" was going on until the middle of the 1970s. That was less than a generation ago.
Brian is completely right 95% of the time and in this case he is 100% right.
Indeed Icy, I'm all about freedom of opinion and all that, just a lot of the free opinions we seem to be seeing are about denying the freedom and rights of other people.
Sorry guys, my fault, I had to start the Countdown to the Election thread... but things were going OK until a couple of people stuck their noses in.
*sigh* This board used to be such a nice place too. Im all for activity on the forum but these latest "additions" arent helping. I think id rather go back to a boring forum.

haha, whos the traditionalist now :lol:
Well I don't really hate Aboriginals nor think they should be 'Spanished', nor do I think their treatment in the past has been fair, however when I'm expected to feel personally guilty or apologise to someone just because their ancestors had a hard life, or that they have more 'right' to land because their ancestors were here before my ancestors I feel entitled to a bit of a shit-stir.

This is going back a fair bit, and no it's not just "boo hoo bad past experience and still have a grudge", but what I find extremely fucked is when I was in primary school they had a 'sorry' day where they lined up all the kids with Aborigal background and made all the rest of us walk up to each of them one by one and say sorry to them all. Not that I actually did it but THAT is fucking disgusting. I hoped it was one-off bullshit as part of some political statement but recently my younger sister had the same thing happen as well. Who the fuck has the right to make me, or anyone else of caucasian / European decent, feel guilty or answerable to another simply because of who we are? How is that any less fucking bigoted?


Why should we or our gov apoligose for the actions and polices of a past government and generation?
It is not apologising for these actions; it is saying that he is sorry it happened is something Howard finds so difficult.

The problems that the policies of Australian governments created through the major part of the 20th Century still remain. Passive welfare, endemnic susbstance abuse, violence, dispossession from the economy, almost every aboriginal family affected by the forced removal of children from their parents. How can any form of reconciliation occur without recognition of this.

The term stolen generations is incredibly apt. Practices of removing children often without warning was allowed because until 1967 Aborigines were considered wards of the state, not citizens. These are children of mixed-race mind you, not full-blood aborigines, nor white children, but only those of mixed-blood. It is eugenic; it is despicable.

There is a difference between admitting guilt and expressing shame.

How is it at all helpful to say it is the fault of the previous generation and government and that we are blameless? Sure we have no guilt, but how would you feel, as a member of a downtrodden race whom there had been a conscious effort to help die out, if the succeeding generations of the perpetrators were quite happy to forget and disown the past of their society? And all of this while your people continue to live in 3rd world conditions.
Well I am sorry it happened, I truely am; but I wont apologise for its occurance.
This is going back a fair bit, and no it's not just "boo hoo bad past experience and still have a grudge", but what I find extremely fucked is when I was in primary school they had a 'sorry' day where they lined up all the kids with Aborigal background and made all the rest of us walk up to each of them one by one and say sorry to them all. Not that I actually did it but THAT is fucking disgusting. I hoped it was one-off bullshit as part of some political statement but recently my younger sister had the same thing happen as well. Who the fuck has the right to make me, or anyone else of caucasian / European decent, feel guilty or answerable to another simply because of who we are? How is that any less fucking bigoted?

I agree, that is pretty fucked. It's not up to individuals to do this.
Dän;6222794 said:
gov apoligose for the actions and polices of a past government and generation?

Governments should apologise for the indiscretions of the past. That's part of the responsibility they take on when they are elected. Unless you also believe that the current Japanese government shouldn't apologise for the war crimes committed against POWs during WW2, and Pope John Paul II shouldn't have felt the need to apologise on behalf of the Catholic Church for not censuring the Nazis. But again, I think individuals should feel sorry that it happened, but not necessarily feel as it it was their fault. Because it wasn't.
It seems a little like the PC bullshit over christmas and easter etc

My main beef is people disowning the issue without even really knowing what it is. It is fairly gross actually to try and have primary school aged children involved in a display like that without any sort of context or understanding.
It seems a little like the PC bullshit over christmas and easter etc

My main beef is people disowning the issue without even really knowing what it is. It is fairly gross actually to try and have primary school aged children involved in a display like that without any sort of context or understanding.

What's even sneakier about it is they don't even advise the parents of what's going on, they just spring that shit at an assembly before lunch on the day. Very few kids under the age of 12 are likely to question it at all, and even fewer would risk punishment at school and/or at home by blatantly refusing and telling teachers to fuck off. They're lucky I'm not a parent because if they pulled that shit on my child there'd be serious fireworks.