

Jan 29, 2004
Uppsala, Sweden
i posted this here since ive seen some keyboard chat going on here.


im really die hard shred guitarist, but recently ive started playing a lot of keyboard. its really a great instrument. so versatile! its very hard to play as its not enough with being able to play everything, you also got to have full control over patches etc. since im kind of a beginner i would like some help from you who are a little more experienced!

How do you pitch bend and vibrato smoothly? what finger should i use? thumb?

what about fingering? are there any general 'rules' when playing scales or arpeggios that involve position shifts?

Do you know any good keyboard sites, with theory, excercises etc? like or similar but for keyboard. i would also like some genaral info on gear, sound patches and such.

Any more advice to a keyboard novice?

have a nice day!
yeah.......and if any keyboardists respond to this, live in the southern region of Ontario Canada and would like to be in a serious band with aspirations of taking on the world, drop us a line at:

We're not ready to tour the countryside yet, but that is our goal..........and maybe a record deal.