kick and snare


New Metal Member
Sep 18, 2002
Andy, I am going to be doing some drum tracking tomorrow and wanted to get some tips.
This particular drummer is really good but when it comes to double bass his main foot is always more powerful than the other foot, especially when he is playing fast. I have heard that aiming the mic (in this case a D112) at the weaker beater might help this, what do you think and what would you normally do.
Also, how far in do you like to go with the mic and do you aim right at the beater or off axis? Also, do you eq, effect or compress your kick to "tape" or do you just go for a good, flat tone?

As far as the snare goes, I am curious how you position your mic for isolation. How do you avoid excessive hi-hat bleed? Do you eq, effect or compress the snare to "tape" or just go for a good dry tone. Is there a procedure that you have developed to make the snare easier to work with in sound replacer?

as always thanks for your help, it is invaluable!
