Sneap Snare and kick tracks!?!?


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
I had had read that Andy sneap when he is tracking drums he prefers to trigger kick and snare? True or false i dont know but im sure he does trigger most of the time for sampling! But what i was asking is, if if he is triggering kick and snare is he running midi to seperate both kick and snare (for sampling and volume purposes) or running 2 seperate modules to seperate kick and snare(EX. dm5 for kick and a dm4 for snare?") Know what im saying? If this sounds like you, what do you do? I never did MIDI before so i dont know how to go about it if i was to start. Thanks for the help fellas :zombie:
Im not sure how Andy does it but if you are running midi drums you can record the whole kit to one midi track and then play it back through one module and use separate outputs. Unless you work totally ITB then I think you would need to separate each instrument to a different track. Is this close to what your after?