Trouble with gating this damn snare...


MaN Of MaNy NamEZ
Oct 2, 2007
what setting do you guys usually use and what plug ins would work best. I miced the snare with a Heil-PR40...and just cant seem to get everything out of the using an eq-compress then just a buss of verb. should i gate the snare frist then eq? or eq-compress-gate? if anyone could help thanks....
What do you guys mean when you say "duck it?" That to me sounds like some sort of sidechaining, but I can't figure what...
What do you guys mean when you say "duck it?" That to me sounds like some sort of sidechaining, but I can't figure what...

expander. I suppose "duck it" is the wrong way of saying it. The expander(gate) will open when the transient is above the threshold, but the gate is never fully closed. everything below the threshold is attenuated.
Ah ok, so it's like a compressor vs. a limiter then; a question of how extreme the effect is. I wonder if Reaper has a built in expander...
Yes, Gate is just the extreme version of Expander, just as Limiter is extreme version of Compressor. I don't know what Reaper has, but you can essentially turn a gate plugin into an expander if it's got a "depth" fader/knob.