Kick beater miking


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

Did some already used this technique for a metal production? I want to try it for next drum recording and see how it sounds but every advices are welcome. Will probably start with an MD421.
I tried, with some other dynamic. Didn´t like it, got lots of snare bleed with a strange hammer-on-wood sound. However, you might get that extra "special" flavor a production needs. Doesn´t sound anything like your usual kick drum though
Yeah, I don't expect an amazing result but it could be a cool addition to an usual kick miking (e901 + e602 in my case). I will place a mic on the snare side too, I heard great stuff about this but never really tried myself.
I could see it having a bit of bleed but might be cool for something really dynamic. I'd also maybe just get another mic in the kick and get right up on the head/beater if I want something super clicky. Maybe a 3 mic, close, mid, out/sub blend could be cool.