Kick Drum/FOH job tomorrow

I guess it was ok, I had a pretty cool sound during the soundcheck, but once the audience came in, It was more difficult. I had more problems with the vocals. The most annoying thing was the "security limiter". If you peak @105db(spl), the limiter drop the whole PA system by -4db or something. So I had to be very careful and could not bring enough room for the vocals. Gojira was headlining, they slayed the audience anyway. Nobody will remember what the other bands were like. Mario is a monster drummer.
Seizure. said:
hey man, compression isn't always a good idea (i mean you wan't it to punch NOT to have sustain..)

Well I guess you could set up a compressor to let the attack through and dwarf the sustain. I don't think the idea was to compress the kick so that it has more sustain and less punch :ill: