Kick Sample for Trigger .tci format

Anyone give it a try? Did it sit in the mix with any conviction?

It was heavily processed/effected. Thought it had a little too much low, but nothing that couldn't be scooped out/filtered.

Let me know any thoughts or, if you have requests, let me know. I am micing a bunch of new drums today.
"Clicky" AND yet with fatty-smacky-goodness! Thanks. Will you add more samples per velocity range?

(One thought, sorry if I'm wrong but it sounds like the samples are cut a bit short and not faded to "0" before the end?)

So, you got them to work OK? I was going to check and see if I saved the .tci file correctly. If you got them to play, then I guess it was correct.

I do have way more velocities and will create a more thorough sample pack (same .tci format). And, let me check on the cut-off of the samples. I did it quickly and perhaps overlooked a few things in my haste!

I'll get more up later today.
Yeah, the .tci file works fine here! I auditioned one track replaced with yours and I do hear the non-zero endings, there as well as in the instrument editor, dunno if it's a Trigger artefact, I've had similar issues with Drumagog at times although I thought my samples were all clean and tidy..

Regarding kick-drum velocity ranges: personally I'm ok with four or five of them, to me it's important that there are multiple samples (but again 4 or 5 will do..) assigned to each velocity range.
it wouldnt download on my computer, it just showed a page with a bunch of coding?

If you're just clicking the link, try to double click the link and choose "Save target as...", this might vary depending on the browser/operating system you're using. I didn't download it, I don't use Trigger, but it sounds to me like that's the problem with your download.