KICK & SNARE! SSD. what do you use?!

May 25, 2010
so for the longest time, i've just been using kick 5, and snare 11a. i found that i liked these a lot, and pretty much never moved on. recently i just started using Joey's kick and both of his snares, but i just need some more variety. i'm not quite at a point that i can make my own yet (soon!!) so i have a question.

out of Steven Slate's Drums, which are your favorite to use for metal/core bands?! i like lower tuned snares, and really punchy kicks. i'm also going through and listening to them all, but they sound different in mixes, so i just wanted to see what you guys like!!

Thanks in advance!
I like the black kick and snare 22. Kick 8 sounds really sweet if you really mess with it a bit or maybe blend it with something with a bit more attack.
Kick 10 for metal, Kick 12 for softer stuff.

I use whatever snare blends the best for the tuning of the live snare I am doing.

Nevertoms and never anything else.

EDIT: I should add that I only use the z4 samples for snares and toms because I only use them for the room to blend with the real drums.
kick 14, and dream snare are my go to and then "fat toms" if im using slate toms here is an example.

EDIT: Sometimes though i like practicing mixing by using some of the kicks that aren't that metal then processing for metal, you get something a bit different its kind of a fun challenge. Seriously anybody who uses kick 10 and snare 12a on a mix thats not Joey Sturgis is stupid, it doesn't sound good anymore it sounds like the exact same thing thats on almost ever other album making it sound super cheap Joey makes up for it with insane mixing skill.
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Harley Barley
Way to state your personal opinion as fact (and way to call others "cheap" while still using Slate yourself ;)).
Go record some real drums and your own samples if you are gonna have that attitude :p
Harley's right, there's way to much slate on everything and it makes records sound similar. The problem is that the slate stuff is awesome, lately I've been blending a lot of truth samples underneath as they're quite different to slate, they have much more mid range which I feel definitely adds something slate lacks.
Truth samples > Most of the Slate stuff
Cant wait for SSD 4 though. I cant stand how most of the Slate stuff is soooo overly processed, so it should be pretty refreshing as long as Slate cuts a deal for owners of the previous versions
Truth samples > Most of the Slate stuff
Cant wait for SSD 4 though. I cant stand how most of the Slate stuff is soooo overly processed, so it should be pretty refreshing as long as Slate cuts a deal for owners of the previous versions

i like those truth samples, but i've like never used slate, and i own it, so i thought i'd try some stuff out. i like the kicks a lot!! kick 10 + black kick + processing sounds AMAZING!!

and yeah i'm stoked on SSD4 too.