Kick Your Teeth In Metal Song of the Day

Erik said:
That kicked my teeth in the day before yesterday. Amazing song, but "I am the Wargod" is even more teeth-kicking from that same album (assuming you didn't upload one of the older versions of EGoW)

No need - the PR version is indeed the best.

"I am the Wargod" is fucking awesome.
circus_brimstone said:
Would you mind including which album the song comes from? Not all of us are omniscient like Erik-san. ;)

No problem. Aside from the D666 that Necuratul posted, here are the other ones:

Amorphis - from "The Karelian Isthmus"
Grave - from "Soulless"
Iced Earth - from "Burnt Offerrings"
Dew Scented - from "Inwards"
Doomcifer said:
This is gonna be another thread for random postwhores to come in and post a random song to up their postcount and leave.

Honestly, to prevent that I would suggest doing a yousendit for any song you recommend. Definitely helpful for people who have never heard the song, or just need a refresher as to why you think it's a "teeth kicker".