KIDS was good if you like fucked up movies with even more fucked up endings. MMMmmmm and a very young, suculent Rosario Dawson.....

But no, it is not by any means the best movie ever made.
Kids was good, but not even in my top ten. Goodfellas, Reservoir Dogs, Usual Suspects and at least a dozen others top Kids.
warparty666 said:
Kids was good, but not even in my top ten. Goodfellas, Reservoir Dogs, Usual Suspects and at least a dozen others top Kids.

But still, those movies where big budget movies that were meant to be liked. Like when people say Scarface or the godfather are the best, like those "epic" movies everyone MUST love. Fuck all that, Kids at least shows you how shit really is. Shit, almost everyone in the movie werent even really actors, with only 2 of em even making it into the big time.

Jockthrax said:
Kids sucked balls. Controversial for the sake of controversy, if being low budget is what determines a great movie try something like Trainspotting or Clerks.

But guess what, Clerks 2 is gonna lick balls cause Kevin Smith is having Wanda Sykes in it. That's gonna ruin the whole fuckin legacy.
The scene in the subway where the guy is singing "I have no legs." was the shit. I must be a sicko to think that but it cracked me up.
Sad thing about that guy. He Committed suicide by filling the little wheels he rolls on with gasoline and then lit himself on fire.

But his t-shirt was funny, "Kiss me, I'm Polish" . LOl
R.I.P. Justin Pierce

Although he was something of a street punk and had a reputation of being somewhat difficult on film sets, Justin Pierce was a charismatic and solid screen presence, so his untimely suicide at age 25 left a void.
Born in London but raised in the Marble Hill section of the Bronx and in Washington Heights in Manhattan, Pierce went through a rebellious stage following his parents divorce in 1990, staying out all night, cutting school and shoplifting items like cigarettes and candy. After a time, he dropped out of high school, found a place a live and spent most of his time skateboarding. While engaging in his favorite pastime in NYC's Washington Square park, the attractive, dark-haired Pierce was spotted and offered the role of Casper in the controversial Larry Clark-directed drama "Kids" (1995). As the sidekick to Leo Fitzpatrick's Telly, the novice performer offered a fine supporting turn as an amoral teenager inhabiting a world where sex, violence and drug-taking are the norm.

When "Kids" was released amid a controversy over its rating by the MPAA, the cast members (including Chloe Sevigny and Rosario Dawson) soon found themselves in demand. Pierce relocated to Los Angeles to concentrate on his burgeoning career. He soon landed a well-received supporting role in the HBO original "First Time Felon" (1997). NYC-based filmmaker Seth Zvi Rosenfeld tapped him to play the youthful incarnation of the leading character (essayed by Nick Chinlund) in "A Brother's Kiss" (also 1997). Pierce found work in Los Angeles in independent pictures like "Wild Horses" and "Too Pure" (both 1998) and "The Big Tease" (1999). The actor displayed his comedic abilities as the accident-prone Roach, one of Ice Cube's pals, in "Next Friday" (2000). He next portrayed a neighborhood thug in Rosenfeld's "King of the Jungle" (released theatrically in 2001).

Pierce stunned many of his friends and colleagues when he checked into a suite at the Bellagio Resort in Las Vegas and hanged himself. Enigmatic both on screen and off, Pierce had been dogged by rumors of drug use and he was said to occasionally disappear from film shoots, leading to a reputation of being somewhat difficult. Many felt his troubled upbringing and hardscrabble life had taken a toll on the young man's psyche, allowing him to be a powerful and natural performer but a troubled soul in his real life. Whatever the real reasons, Pierce's suicide cut short a very promising career.

father:James Pierce
mother:Meryl Pierce


Chloe Sevigny.,
Gina Rizzo.wife,

Independent Spirit Award Best Debut Performance "Kids" 1995

2001 Reteamed with Rosenfeld for "King of the Jungle"; released posthumously
2000 Co-starred in "Next Friday"; co-written and co-starring Ice Cube
2000 Had leading role in "Pigeonholed"
2000 Made guest appearances on the popular Fox sitcom "Malcolm in the Middle"
1999 Appeared briefly in "The Big Tease"
1997 TV-movie debut in HBO's "First Time Felon"
1997 Acted in "A Brother's Kiss", directed by Seth Zvi Rosenfeld
1995 Breakthrough screen role in "Kids"
Raised in NYC
Anthrax_Mosher said:
But still, those movies where big budget movies that were meant to be liked.

Reservoir Dogs is hardly a big budget movie and I agree with Jockthrax on Trainspotting being a great low budget film. I saw some of the Kids film and it did nothing for me.
Thrillho said:
KIDS was good if you like fucked up movies with even more fucked up endings. MMMmmmm and a very young, suculent Rosario Dawson.....

But no, it is not by any means the best movie ever made.

Off topic, but y drummer's brother in law is Eric Idol.
it isnt about big budgets for me. I liked Trainspotting, and damned near all of Quinten T's movies are golden for me. Kids just didnt do it. I rank it with EVERYTHING Micheal Moore has done. Crap, but that is just what I think, and I personally dont like Micheal Moore's movies either. Such "truth" is still through the eyes of someone else. In that regard, it is still lopsided. How can someone say this is "truth" or it has "street cred" by someone filming it or editing it from an already biased opinion? Kids may have shown what goes on in the streets, but it still didnt do anything for me. If I wanted to see that kind of shit I would go to the city, sit on a street corner with some popcorn, and just watch.
Big budget or no budget. Who cares? The movie was made with what was available and it's good or not good based on that. I don't base my judgement on budget. Well, maybe, "I paid money to see that peice of shit! Fuck that!"
whitey131 said:
Off topic, but y drummer's brother in law is Eric Idol.


Anyway, a budget does not make a movie. If you use that logic then that means Titanic and King Kong were the best movies ever and I thought they both sucked. It's an opinion that makes a good movie or a bad movie. And it would appear that the general opinion of the people on this thread was that KIDS was certaintly not the best movie ever made, but still an ok movie.

I know a lot of people that are very into this movie. It's just another one of those cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show things where an off beat movie catches a group of people by the nut sack. I give mad props to the director / writers for being able to pull that off.

Gummo was pretty fucked up too - I believe that's the same director - but still I would not call it the best.

If you want a real fucked up movie watch "happiness." FUCKED UP
KIDS sucked balls. I watch a movie to escape reality for a couple hours, to be entertained, not to watch a bunch of douche bag kids that need a good beating.