warparty666 said:
The scene in the subway where the guy is singing "I have no legs." was the shit. I must be a sicko to think that but it cracked me up.

To this day, everytime I see a tip jar I think of that guy.

I haven't seen this movie in years, I'll have to check it out again and see if it still holds up for me. (loved it back in the day)
Never seen KIDS - it's by the same guy who did Ken Park and that movie is banned here in Australia.

Dunno about KIDS but Ken Park seems to be a little extreme.....
kids was great!!!
when the director was asked where the hell are the parents?
he said wait till i make ken park
great movies
does anyone know the rest films by the same director?
ken park and?
I liked KIDS. Larry Clark is a weird guy. Check out his photography. (He is a photographer first and then got into movies.) All his stuff he did on the speed freak teenagers is really good. He has a good eye for the fucked up.
efkarpos said:
kids was great!!!
when the director was asked where the hell are the parents?
he said wait till i make ken park
great movies
does anyone know the rest films by the same director?
ken park and?

i was extremely twisted on acid when i saw that movie. I hated every second especially the way that one dude talked. I wanted to beat the shit out of those kids. I told one of the friends of the host of the party we watched it at that it was trash and he was real drunk and got very angry like i'd insulted his mother. I told him he was acting like he was the video tapes bitch and that he needed to stop letting it fuck him in the ass. (makes no sense i know but i was on acid) he threw a punch at me and i kicked the shit out of him. I was never violent until i was fucked up on LSD. plus he had vomited vodka on my jacket earlier. Moral of the story is drugged up kids are stupid either in the movies or real life and don't pick a fight with someone on acid while you're drunk.