Kill all the Arabs part#2


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Hey because at Billy we do our best to promote world peace, understanding and the embracing of other nations, it's peoples and religions; I feel it important that the "Kill all the Arabs thread" is to be continued due to overwhelming input from all of you on the quest for world peace.
I Salute You!!The fine people from around the world who support the Message Board at

Kumbaya my friends, Kumbaya. :headbang:
i would like to be the first one to start the bashing.

france is full of pussies... :p
england is packed with fags... ;)
germany is still in denial about the jews........ :erk:
holland is full of stoners... :loco:

and the middle east should be leveled. :hotjump:


tenantwo said:
i would like to be the first one to start the bashing.

france is full of pussies... :p
england is packed with fags... ;)
germany is still in denial about the jews........ :erk:
holland is full of stoners... :loco:

and the middle east should be leveled. :hotjump:



That Lord of the Rings is more metal than any fucking band from Europe!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Polish people are thieves... (or are they on the love list for providing troops in Iraq?)

Spanish people are traitors... (cuz they´re pulling out of Iraq)

Danish people have disgusting, cigarette-smelling fingers.

Swedish are liars and murderers.

People from Syria have kinds of fucked up ideas, think it´s the inbreeding.

And as for penguins... well you know...
tenantwo said:
holland is full of stoners... :loco:
hey now,no bashing of holland , what do we have against stoners?



wait........... that wouldnt work
KingEdwardLongshanks said:
no, just the meer sight of them would encourage an army to attack, who shall we send then?
Can't argue with the facts....Very well put.

tenantwo said:
i would like to be the first one to start the bashing.

france is full of pussies... :p
england is packed with fags... ;)
germany is still in denial about the jews........ :erk:
holland is full of stoners... :loco:

and the middle east should be leveled. :hotjump:


From people smarter than ALL of europe!!

"I would rather have a german division in front of me
then a french one behind me."
---General George S. Patton

"Going to war without france is like going deer hunting
without your accordion."
---Norman Schwartzkopf

"As far as I'm concerned war always means failure."
---jacques chirac,president of france
(Put here only to make Rush's Point)

"As far as france is concerned,you're right."
---Rush Limbaugh

I could post these awesome FACTS all day...
Because the truth hurts I know all the french pussies will be crying about these.
You'd be better off opening a vein then living where you do.
Stop crying and take some action..........BITCH!!

bleed_black_orchid said:
Im a european and I rarely cry myself .. you wanna check out jerry springer and see all the obese americans and inbreds crying on there.
Fuck these dirty euro fucking yam bags. Everybody can pull out of Iraq. We don't need the help. But ya'll better start paying for our protection. It should be like the mafia.Call us the black hand.Whatever you wanna call it. Your either with us or fuck you. Your wrong, we're right. End of fucking story. I'm rich beeoch. :hotjump: :headbang: :Smokin:
wouldnt it be great if the US was to drop a nuke on the middle east, then see those arabs rising on top with fat economy, mmmmm kinda reminds me of Japan weird huh...instead of Sony cd player we'll have Sunit the cd player that will blow ur fuckin head off....
I'm sure it's been said before but I'm gonna say it again.....
If you've got such big issues with how we do things here in America
why don't you just get the fuck out!!!

You're always pissing and moaning while repeatedly siding with the
euro scum badmouthing THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!
and you claim N.J. as your location. You weren't invited into this country your ignorant foreign ass just showed up, it's not too late to
go to france and hide under chiracs dress. If you're going to live here keep all anti American bullshit to yourself!!:hotjump:

Kind of reminds me of Japan to, America's at war and france is nowhere
to be seen....I guess history does repeat itself after all.

CoverUinOil said:
wouldnt it be great if the US was to drop a nuke on the middle east, then see those arabs rising on top with fat economy, mmmmm kinda reminds me of Japan weird huh...instead of Sony cd player we'll have Sunit the cd player that will blow ur fuckin head off....
ok first off............... should be very careful kiddo.the same country you live in is the same one your parents migrated to.they must have left france for a reason.

old school........i think bush is a total moron,and i assure you im no fag.ive eatin and fucked more pussy than you will in your wetest of dreams.

and bleed black limey.......who do you think your kidding...jerry spinger?not all americans live in trailer parks.
you got alot of nerve, seeing how your people and country still to this day fuck the irish and the should be crying.
President Bush is the man!!
The eight years before him are an embarrassment to America's history
Clinton spent more time chasing fat interns & Bill Gates then he did trying to catch any terrorist of that time including the one who would strike at us at the end of his term.....I'm not gonna fuck with you
I'd rather save that for the retarded euro trash who spout off here,
and your opinion is yours.....But he's the man right now and Kerry is a
liberal piece of shit (And I'm from Mass!!)but hey just my opinion...

tenantwo said:
ok first off............... should be very careful kiddo.the same country you live in is the same one your parents migrated to.they must have left france for a reason.

old school........i think bush is a total moron,and i assure you im no fag.ive eatin and fucked more pussy than you will in your wetest of dreams.

and bleed black limey.......who do you think your kidding...jerry spinger?not all americans live in trailer parks.
you got alot of nerve, seeing how your people and country still to this day fuck the irish and the should be crying.
T_man357 said:
President Bush is the man!!
The eight years before him are an embarrassment to America's history
Clinton spent more time chasing fat interns & Bill Gates then he did trying to catch any terrorist of that time including the one who would strike at us at the end of his term.....I'm not gonna fuck with you
I'd rather save that for the retarded euro trash who spout off here,
and your opinion is yours.....But he's the man right now and Kerry is a
liberal piece of shit (And I'm from Mass!!)but hey just my opinion...

President Bush is the man???

--What about the one month vacation he took right BEFORE 9-11
--How about how he sat and listened to school children read a story for 17 minutes, as 2 planes flew into the World Trade Center.
--How about the fact that under Bush we have more FBI agents working on the war on drugs rather than the war on terrorism
--How about the FACT that the Bush family and the Bin Laden family have been friends and business partners for decades.
--He failed to fufil his pledge to get his FRIEND Osama Bin Laden "Dead or Alive"
--he refuses to tell the 0-11 investigators the truth (hmm I wonder what they will find out)
--He personally allowed members of Bin Ladens family to leave the US on a Bush provided jet on 9-12-01 before allowing investigators the chance to interview them
--he lied to the entire world about Iraqs WMD program
--his first oil venture was with the Bin Laden family
--Bush Sr. went to war, and then did nothing.
--He was an Army deserter. And he lies about it now.

All Bill Clinton did was get a hummer from a fat chick, it was Ken Lay who diverteed the FBIs attention away from Bin Laden, and wonder what the stain on the blue dress was. Clinton made many (including myself) quite wealthy. The Clinton years were great, I personally made enough $$$ to pay for my house outright, have money saved up , and not have to ever worry about unemploymnet.

----Bush never won the election he lost by a few thousand votes, but he got his failure of a president daddy to help him out.
--Oh yeah, George W Bush, and John Kerry are old school buddy, that are also Skull and Bones members, who meet yearly for Skull and Bones keggers, THEY ARE FRIENDS, always have been always will be.

--So Bush must be the man. Do you want any more facts.
just the same.......i want to save my bashing for the euro-scum myself.

but just know this....all presidents for the last i dont know how many years have been puppets...they do what there told and read what their given...bottomline.this country is run by more than one man.and as far as clinton......who gives a fuck if he got some pussy on the side.every president has had his hand in a cookie jar,they just never got caught.