Kill all the Arabs part#2

T_man357 said:
President Bush is the man!!
The eight years before him are an embarrassment to America's history
Clinton spent more time chasing fat interns & Bill Gates then he did trying to catch any terrorist of that time including the one who would strike at us at the end of his term.....I'm not gonna fuck with you
I'd rather save that for the retarded euro trash who spout off here,
and your opinion is yours.....But he's the man right now and Kerry is a
liberal piece of shit (And I'm from Mass!!)but hey just my opinion...
:lol::lol::lol: I feel sooooo sorry for you :lol: Pathetic cocksucker :wave:
T_man357 said:
You weren't invited into this country your ignorant foreign ass just showed up, it's not too late to
go to france and hide under chiracs dress. If you're going to live here keep all anti American bullshit to yourself!!:hotjump:
Your ancestors are the fuckin foreigners!!! They weren't invited either.
tenantwo said:
old school........i think bush is a total moron,and i assure you im no fag.ive eatin and fucked more pussy than you will in your wetest of dreams.

yeah i guess fat chicks need lovin to
hey what happened to those weapons hidden that actualy caused the war, bcs you didnt go to war to liberate the country, that was just some lame excuse you came up with, i'm still waiting for a report of where did they go...oh and binladen, mister runningman in sandals being chased b the most powerfull army in the world with the most advanced technology in the world cant be found, of course we'll see his face on tv around september/october, right when Bush's campaign plunges to defeat...
Shut the fuck up mr. french know it all. If you know so much howcome you got your girlfriend pregnant?? Don't you know how to use a rubber? You fucking jerk.
AND ALOT MORE COMPLAING BY EURO-TRASH PUSSIES :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
I would just like to say I think the anti-European and anti-American hostilities are childish. There really is some pointless bickering. I love England and am proud, glad and grateful to be British.

I'm really glad saddam is not in power, but now the terrorist threats are increasing, and we seem to be importing terrorism sadly and not doing anything about the outspoken ones (for example that tosser abu hamza).
Something needs to be done about the threat of islamic fundamentalsts. They take too many liberties.
If USA didn't fuck with those Muslim countries in the first place, those terrorists wouldn't be so active at this moment. What the Americans are doing now is to try to heal their wounds but they make things worse actually.
Cerulean said:
If USA didn't fuck with those Muslim countries in the first place, those terrorists wouldn't be so active at this moment. What the Americans are doing now is to try to heal their wounds but they make things worse actually.

your kinda right fuck that it the jews fault......................I`ll elaborate later
I think the USA just gets involved with Middle Eastern affairs, because Israel is alone there with many enemies, and needs some help otherwise it would be utterly annihalated. The root of the problem lies with the Israel-Palestine crisis really.

Even if there where no troubles in the middle east I still think there would be those moronic islamic fundametalists, they still want to enforce their fucking religion on everyone.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
President Bush is the man???

--What about the one month vacation he took right BEFORE 9-11
--How about how he sat and listened to school children read a story for 17 minutes, as 2 planes flew into the World Trade Center.
--How about the fact that under Bush we have more FBI agents working on the war on drugs rather than the war on terrorism
--How about the FACT that the Bush family and the Bin Laden family have been friends and business partners for decades.
--He failed to fufil his pledge to get his FRIEND Osama Bin Laden "Dead or Alive"
--he refuses to tell the 0-11 investigators the truth (hmm I wonder what they will find out)
--He personally allowed members of Bin Ladens family to leave the US on a Bush provided jet on 9-12-01 before allowing investigators the chance to interview them
--he lied to the entire world about Iraqs WMD program
--his first oil venture was with the Bin Laden family
--Bush Sr. went to war, and then did nothing.
--He was an Army deserter. And he lies about it now.

All Bill Clinton did was get a hummer from a fat chick, it was Ken Lay who diverteed the FBIs attention away from Bin Laden, and wonder what the stain on the blue dress was. Clinton made many (including myself) quite wealthy. The Clinton years were great, I personally made enough $$$ to pay for my house outright, have money saved up , and not have to ever worry about unemploymnet.

----Bush never won the election he lost by a few thousand votes, but he got his failure of a president daddy to help him out.
--Oh yeah, George W Bush, and John Kerry are old school buddy, that are also Skull and Bones members, who meet yearly for Skull and Bones keggers, THEY ARE FRIENDS, always have been always will be.

--So Bush must be the man. Do you want any more facts.

Holy shit, are you as fucking retarded as you avitar?
so he took a vacation1 month before it happened ,do you really think he knew a month befor hand that some muslim fucks were going to fly planes into the world trade center.
and they told the president about 2 minutes after the first plane hit, and like everyone else who saw it on TV he though it was a tragic accident, until the second plane hit, is he a mind reader? can the president really predict the future?
the first 2 facts are absolutly true, but the rest of the shit you posted is pure 100%unadultrated shit, where do you get your facts from? the star , the enquirer, or mabey it is the globe.
Cerulean said:
If USA didn't fuck with those Muslim countries in the first place, those terrorists wouldn't be so active at this moment. What the Americans are doing now is to try to heal their wounds but they make things worse actually.

America didn't start this shit- This is a carry over from something called the CRUSADES!!!!! Where Mulims were murdered by the thousands..
You fucking git.
humungo said:
I would just like to say I think the anti-European and anti-American hostilities are childish. There really is some pointless bickering. I love England and am proud, glad and grateful to be British.

I'm really glad saddam is not in power, but now the terrorist threats are increasing, and we seem to be importing terrorism sadly and not doing anything about the outspoken ones (for example that tosser abu hamza).
Something needs to be done about the threat of islamic fundamentalsts. They take too many liberties.

It is childish- but very funny also. The reason terrorism is getting worse is simply because there is no country to fight in the name of terroism. Iraq, Is just a country where a head of state was changed. Where was the war??? There wasn't one . And Afghanistan??? We blew up a mountain and a dung collector. So I agree with you- something needs to be done. And oh yeah.
Greetings and welcome to the board.
Buzzard said:
It is childish- but very funny also. The reason terrorism is getting worse is simply because there is no country to fight in the name of terroism. Iraq, Is just a country where a head of state was changed. Where was the war??? There wasn't one . And Afghanistan??? We blew up a mountain and a dung collector. So I agree with you- something needs to be done. And oh yeah.
Greetings and welcome to the board.

Cheers Billy, and greetings to you as well, mate.

I am no politically correct cunt, I'm up for a good laugh :)

These terrorist cunts are all over the place innit, I think we have to discover what the problem is that makes them want to kill innocents. If they are just those fundamentalist wankers that want to convert everyone to islam then there should be no tolerance for them. I feel a key problem is the Israel-Palestine conflict. Israel hasn't really been given a chance to peacefully exist in my opinion due to the hostilties of its neighbours.

Another thing that concerns me is that islam, and wherever it travels seems to mess things up, in that if the amass a huge number of people in a certain country they would want to make fundamental changes to how that country would be run and sometimes want to split it up. For example I think Checnya and an island of the Phillipines. Sorry to go off subject.

Haha I think getting rid of the taliban was a huge step, they where one shitty "government" and I use the word government loosely.

Take care
old school headbanger said:
Holy shit, are you as fucking retarded as you avitar?
so he took a vacation1 month before it happened ,do you really think he knew a month befor hand that some muslim fucks were going to fly planes into the world trade center.
and they told the president about 2 minutes after the first plane hit, and like everyone else who saw it on TV he though it was a tragic accident, until the second plane hit, is he a mind reader? can the president really predict the future?
the first 2 facts are absolutly true, but the rest of the shit you posted is pure 100%unadultrated shit, where do you get your facts from? the star , the enquirer, or mabey it is the globe.

Bzzt. Wrong. Everything he listed is true and documented.
Buzzard ur come back line is as weak as G.Bush's excuses..nobody gives a fuck about me getting a girl pregnant, its my business and mine only, everyone else can just fuck off, but i am right about what i said. We are still waiting for those weapons to be found and OBL is still MIA. oh do they ever mention on cnn that there is more american soldiers dead bcs of suicide rather than killing??? yes that's what's goin on over there and nobody says shit just so that bush can keep on keepin on being evil...i personaly dont really give a fuck, the day i can go out on the street and bash myself a fuckin towelhead bcs nobody will give a fuck anymore i'll be happy
somebody must be drinking..........the booze-balls are running their mouths again.

and all the computer tuff-guys are makin me ill.

i think the goonie should run for president....just as smart as bush and doesnt bruise as easily. :wave: