Kill all the Arabs part#2

Then why not just shut the fuck up and be happy??
In the process making people here happy as well!

I knew this could be a happy place, we just have to try!!

spread the love.....And in the words of the immortal Ghandi


Oh sorry those are the words of America to france, oh well it works just the same.

CoverUinOil said:
Buzzard ur come back line is as weak as G.Bush's excuses..nobody gives a fuck about me getting a girl pregnant, its my business and mine only, everyone else can just fuck off, but i am right about what i said. We are still waiting for those weapons to be found and OBL is still MIA. oh do they ever mention on cnn that there is more american soldiers dead bcs of suicide rather than killing??? yes that's what's goin on over there and nobody says shit just so that bush can keep on keepin on being evil...i personaly dont really give a fuck, the day i can go out on the street and bash myself a fuckin towelhead bcs nobody will give a fuck anymore i'll be happy
old school headbanger said:
Holy shit, are you as fucking retarded as you avitar?

so he took a vacation1 month before it happened ,do you really think he knew a month befor hand that some muslim fucks were going to fly planes into the world trade center.


and they told the president about 2 minutes after the first plane hit, and like everyone else who saw it on TV he though it was a tragic accident, until the second plane hit, is he a mind reader? can the president really predict the future?


the first 2 facts are absolutly true, but the rest of the shit you posted is pure 100%unadultrated shit, where do you get your facts from? the star , the enquirer, or mabey it is the globe.

Go do some reading you fucken Richmond Virginia Faggot.. You do not have a clue what the fuck you are talking about, Believe it or not, again, I could care less what someone as useless as you thinks. Is there any points you would like elaborated on. . Before you speak, do some research. I could give a fucken rats ass if you believe it or not. These are facts that anyone can find for themselves, so go get a FUCKEN CLUE YOU PIECE OF WORTHLESS SHIT FAGGOT, spend a few minutes doing some research, then come and post. UNTIL THEN FUCK OFF YOU RETARDED FAGGOT,
old school headbanger said:
Holy shit, are you as fucking retarded as you avitar?
so he took a vacation1 month before it happened ,do you really think he knew a month befor hand that some muslim fucks were going to fly planes into the world trade center.
and they told the president about 2 minutes after the first plane hit, and like everyone else who saw it on TV he though it was a tragic accident, until the second plane hit, is he a mind reader? can the president really predict the future?
the first 2 facts are absolutly true, but the rest of the shit you posted is pure 100%unadultrated shit, where do you get your facts from? the star , the enquirer, or mabey it is the globe.

You are as stupid as your crack whore slut mom. I know how hard it must be for the learning impaired to research facts.
But here are a few. Try to keep your head out of your ass long enough. If you need any of the words spelt phonetically, Im sure this can be arranged.

----1977---Salem Bin Laden (Osamas oldest brother) and George W Bush (our current president) were founders of Arbusto (Spanish for shrub, but GWB thought it ment...well..Bush)Energy Oil in Texas

---In the early 1980s a terrorist attack in Saudia Arabi killed 19 American sleeping in barricks. George Bush Sr. awarded the multi-million dollar contract to rebuild the barricks to guess who....the Bin Laden familys construction firm

---In regards to Bin Ladens family being allowed to leave the USA on Sept 12/13 while every other plane was grounded here are a few links: And by the way, do you have any idea who the only person with the power to allow the FBI to let someone go without questioning them is. THE PRESIDENT

----I guess America did find all those Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Iraq war. I guess Bush was telling the truth about that, Im wrong. Iraq had stockpiles of weapons, and I didnt hear about them

----Hmm I guess in Desert Storm George Bush Sr. finished the job by ousting Saddam Hussien as leader of Iraq and the current war is all make believe.

----here is a link about Bush thinking the first plane crashing into tower#1 was a tragic accident as you put it..........

-----These are actual quotes from President George W Bush----The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01
------"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)
hmmmmmm I guess In your mind Old_tool_Headbanger George W kept his promise to the American people.

------Total number of votes cast for Al Gore in the 2000 election 50,999,897, total number of votes cast for George W Bush 50,456,002.

hmmm what else did you think was made up. I dont know if you understand any of this OLD-FAGGOT_COCKSUCKER. I can provide facts for every other post if you like. Take some time to do some reading (Oh I forgot faggots like you cant read) and fact checking before you post. I cant stand fucken idiots like you.

Oh yeah 1 more thing. Right before Clinton left office (I believe 2 months before). His administration was ready to go after Al-Quida in Afghanistan (the usual, Special Forces, Cruise Missles, the whole 9 yards), but was advised that this should not be done with Bush coming into office in the very near future. When Bush took office, Bush and his administration was briefed on Afghanistan, Al-Quida, etc. Bushs' people, namely Condeleeza Rice instructed Bush that China was our biggest concern, and to not worry about Al-Quida.
The intro to Bowling for Columbine illustrates some of those details, and it's the most powerful summary of USA's shameful history actually. The cartoon made by the South Park guys is also excellent...
Oh and good posts there Muffy :)
Cerulean said:
The intro to Bowling for Columbine illustrates some of those details, and it's the most powerful summary of USA's shameful history actually. The cartoon made by the South Park guys is also excellent...
Oh and good posts there Muffy :)

First off all dipshit. 1 persons perspective is what he talks about. It's a one sided argument which presents 50% of the facts correctly. It was pure self indulgent Rhetoric. Which is why Europe , Especially the French, Embrace this clown. Do you know this guy is a millionaire and lives in the most prestigeous part of the upper west side in NYC... Great place to formulate his opinion. In his mansion safe from all the scarey people... grow up
or stay off the board.
Go fuck yourself cerulean!!
You piece of shit! why don't you see if moore is looking for a monkey to follow him around like a definetly fit the description


Buzzard said:
First off all dipshit. 1 persons perspective is what he talks about. It's a one sided argument which presents 50% of the facts correctly. It was pure self indulgent Rhetoric. Which is why Europe , Especially the French, Embrace this clown. Do you know this guy is a millionaire and lives in the most prestigeous part of the upper west side in NYC... Great place to formulate his opinion. In his mansion safe from all the scarey people... grow up
or stay off the board.
Muffy thanks for the info.... Now I'm not a democrat nor am I a republican but one thing I am is pro american. I don't like Bush but I would also like to know what skeletons Kerry has in his closet before I throw away my vote to Nader. Personally I say kill every radical muslim over there and the kids too. Fuck them before there hellspawn off spring grow up to become big boy terrorists.. Oh amd fellas get off of Europes ass. Unless your a full blooded native american none of us can bag on em (unless your from there)...HOWEVER! Bash the french all ya want boys!!!!!!! They deserve it.

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
prime666 said:
Muffy thanks for the info.... Now I'm not a democrat nor am I a republican but one thing I am is pro american. I don't like Bush but I would also like to know what skeletons Kerry has in his closet before I throw away my vote to Nader. Personally I say kill every radical muslim over there and the kids too. Fuck them before there hellspawn off spring grow up to become big boy terrorists.. Oh amd fellas get off of Europes ass. Unless your a full blooded native american none of us can bag on em (unless your from there)...HOWEVER! Bash the french all ya want boys!!!!!!! They deserve it.

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Thanks, Im neither a democrap, or a republicunt. All I care about is which president will help me out financially. Tax cuts, the ability to exercise my stock options without getting taxed, my ability to keep as much $$$ as possible. Thats all I care about. I just cant stand people who cant think, and cant read. I also think we need to start getting rid of mosques in America, make English the primary language, stuff like that.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Thanks, Im neither a democrap, or a republicunt. All I care about is which president will help me out financially. Tax cuts, the ability to exercise my stock options without getting taxed, my ability to keep as much $$$ as possible. Thats all I care about. I just cant stand people who cant think, and cant read. I also think we need to start getting rid of mosques in America, make English the primary language, stuff like that.

I agree mate, mosques need to go. They are a breeding ground for terrorist scum, who go on to recruit more easily brainwashed morons. Yet the government won't do anything as it would be a "hate crime" to say anything to the "untouchable" muslims, even though muslims spread anti-Western hate dpesite living here, the hypocritical wankers. For some reason though that isn't classified as hate though :erk:
If it were possible to get to serj while soad is in Boston
I'd be willing to spend a few nights in jail to throw a beatdown
on that camel monkey fuck

Repassy said:
Is it just me or are Armenians the most annoying fucking race of people in the world.
anyone agree?
If we get off of europes ass, it's going to be a one way bashing
agaisnt America.....Sorry man but as long as I'm checking things
out on this board and these fag fuck euro shit pussies
are running off at the mouth (cause lets face it that's all they can do)
I'm going to respond in kind....Like I said before
When fired upon...Return fire!!!

prime666 said:
Muffy thanks for the info.... Now I'm not a democrat nor am I a republican but one thing I am is pro american. I don't like Bush but I would also like to know what skeletons Kerry has in his closet before I throw away my vote to Nader. Personally I say kill every radical muslim over there and the kids too. Fuck them before there hellspawn off spring grow up to become big boy terrorists.. Oh amd fellas get off of Europes ass. Unless your a full blooded native american none of us can bag on em (unless your from there)...HOWEVER! Bash the french all ya want boys!!!!!!! They deserve it.

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Stop calling names at Europeans fags, that's what those fuckin' bastard muslims want, use your brain, if there's any left... The only ones gaining by these stupid discussions are our mutual enemies; muslim fundementalists...
And god damned yeah....Bush is a pussy, just like ANY other politician in the WHOLE world. They just don't care anymore while piling up their bank accounts and having fancy dinners....
When all the euro trash fag fucking butt pirate anti America losers all admit that they wish their little piece of shit countries could fight there own battles and not have to call on hated big boy America to step in and save their pathetic no reason for living asses!!! When that happens then yes I'll stop calling europeans by what they are, instead of what they want to be called....until then,
If you ain't America...You ain't shit!!!! I don't know how to say


And one more thing...Don't call the terrorist shitballs mutual enemines,
because the euro fuck drag queens posting here
don't see them that way and that America is wrong to be bombing them for what we suffered on 9/11...just remember....

QUOTE=carnut]Stop calling names at Europeans fags, that's what those fuckin' bastard muslims want, use your brain, if there's any left... The only ones gaining by these stupid discussions are our mutual enemies; muslim fundementalists...
And god damned yeah....Bush is a pussy, just like ANY other politician in the WHOLE world. They just don't care anymore while piling up their bank accounts and having fancy dinners....[/QUOTE]
as I said...If there is any left...

and please don't use "god bless...". I piss on any god, on any religian ...
No god can allow all shit on this world, or he must be a weak motherfucker...
Brain Power?? You live in belgium, if you're not making waffles what
fucking good are you??

Don't be mad bacause God Bless America sounds better than
allah like belgium.....speaking of allah where was he when we were
dropping bomb all over them towel monkeys??
Oh I know, he must've had his phone off the hook and couldn't hear
all the little jihad pussies crying for help!!

Now shut up and eat your waffles!!


carnut said:
as I said...If there is any left...

and please don't use "god bless...". I piss on any god, on any religian ...
No god can allow all shit on this world, or he must be a weak motherfucker...