Killer Home Recording?

+1 might take the plunge too.

I mean it depends; for a lot of people around here it wont bring much to the table perhaps but for me definitely worth the read.
I had gotten a freebie from killer home recording some time ago. The one I had gotten was a very large overview of the basics. Very in depth, very imformative, very well written. He covered from hardware, software, daw's, plug ins, room treatments, and alot more topics only in just one guide, so I can imagine the amount of knowledge he has to put into these more specific guides that he has out. I think i got an email today for a 20$ deal on a guide.
I had gotten a freebie from killer home recording some time ago. The one I had gotten was a very large overview of the basics. Very in depth, very imformative, very well written. He covered from hardware, software, daw's, plug ins, room treatments, and alot more topics only in just one guide, so I can imagine the amount of knowledge he has to put into these more specific guides that he has out. I think i got an email today for a 20$ deal on a guide.

yup that one was about seting up. pretty cool
I got the first edition of KHR earlier in the year & I'm a mod on Brandon's forum.
The book series is excellent, a massive amount of content. It's even entertaining.

I went to recording school and have been doing this for a few years, I learned a few things from the books for sure.

It's a great package. If you're learning engineering and music production on your own definitely get this.
Brandon Drury is the man. I learned a lot on that forum, and his book definitely rules for people who don't know the ins and outs- I also own the first edition.

I suggest his book to ANYONE. Even if you know the techniques, he has an attitude in his working/teaching that can help you stop thinking so much about things and really dive in.
I have it and am not really impressed....there is a lot of jargon before it really gets to the point. There is also no lead guitar info, which should be a must. I emailed him about this and the reply I got was "I can't include everything".....well considering this is somewhat tailored to heavy music or hard rock, I would say it's lacking.
Mind you, if you weed though the entire book and audio may get a couple pointers you were un-aware of. But honestly, from reading posts on this forum, it seems the majority of you are well beyond the reading...

Honestly I think forum use mixed with google gives you everything you need to know.....and then some.

On a side note.....if you do buy it.....print it out and organize to binders. pdf's that large are painful to weed through. (keep in ming thats a lot of printing, but you could eliminate close to half of it if you choose to not print the bla, bla, bla crap)

Just my opinion..
"There is also no lead guitar info, which should be a must"
Guitars made of lead are heavy as hell but don't sustain well and aren't too common.
Pretty much all you need to know.

As a moderator for the site....I understand the sarcasm. I'm pretty sure everyone understands what I mean......Unless you'd like me to clarify for you?

I still don't think the books are worth it.....also, beware.....once you sign up you get bombarded with spam, every second day I get an email from Brandon regarding Killer Home recording this, and killer home recording that....

Maybe that's why the books aren't sold a paper backs....'cause then I could have just flipped through at the book store to realize it was garbage.
As a relative newb, I felt I had to finally chime in. (Unlike some newbs I actually know how to use the search function here so I don't post, and I still don't see what the big deal is if someone wants to ask a question, but I digress...:headbang:) I ordered KHR yesterday, and I'm absolutely blown away by all the info and the volumes you get for the price. Obviously I haven't even come close to actually reading everything, but the first volume I'm reading, #2- Audio Engineering, is a massive 264 page pdf! (I got the first volume, Setting Up, for free download...) Brandon has a great way of explaining the complicated stuff without being patronizing at all. I check his and this forum every day, using the searches, but I was still excited to download the books and I'm glad I did.

I'm also on Brandon's mailing list, and I don't get spammed at all. He sends out a newsletter, and he has been pimping KHR quite a bit in those but I don't blame him given the amount of work he clearly put into it.

To sum up...absolutely amazing for me- a guy with a home set-up in his office (with the accompanying acoustical nightmares), and extremely cheap given how much info you get in return. Newb approved...
I would just like to say I'd be surprised to know that anything in those books hasn't already been discussed here anyway. Seems like a complete waste of $ IMO, just my 2 cents.
I would just like to say I'd be surprised to know that anything in those books hasn't already been discussed here anyway. Seems like a complete waste of $ IMO, just my 2 cents.


there's more than enough info availabile on this board alone to get any noob on the right path with home recordings, not to mention the other 100's of message boards and websites with similar info
I would just like to say I'd be surprised to know that anything in those books hasn't already been discussed here anyway. Seems like a complete waste of $ IMO, just my 2 cents.

I still buy books even though you can find just about everything on the 'net. Speaking for myself, I tend to learn better that way. Although this place is a goldmine of info (and opinions) itself...I like having that step by step approach in front of me...To each their own...