KillerGon got banned...?

Leandro got banned too :(

..wait, if hes only banned for a few days, but comes back, does that make the admin a jew? :erk:
^Actually once i asked him a question and he didn't know the answer so i guess he doesn't have what it takes to be a god...

Neither do you :p <3

But noooo why is he banned? :(
Wtf... man, I mean I know me and him haven't really gotten along... but it's a sign of the times here at UM that they got banned for this. It's understandable if they had read that bulletin and posted links anyways but yeh, I'm pretty sure him and Leandro did not read it.. so a warning and deletion of posts would have sufficed. Also I'm pretty sure they posted these before that bulletin which is dated May 7th/8th. Aw well, that doens't seem fair to me but I guess they'll be back June 26th.

EDIT: That's why I never post leaks though, I remember ages ago I posted a link to some song Alexi sang with some finnish punk band, it wasn't even a downlaod leak, it was just posted on some site, to be played sort of like Myspace does, and Webmaster freaked out and said he reported my IP to the label and stuff... but luckily Mp3 download isn't illegal/copyright lawsuits aren't allowed where I live... GOD BLESS CANADA. But still, I got the message.

In memory of Gonzo I will say this:

He got pwned by his fav band. That's so ghey.