Killing Ground Video on HMT


Nov 19, 2002
New Jersey USA
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This is the best video. I really like listening to it and wathing it. I've shown it to a lot of my friends and family to demonstrate my sound system. I'm a great Saxon fan and I know and listen to all of the albums especially the 1995 era forward, like Solid Ball thru HMT.

Now that I've established myself as a fan, and I've seen the shows at NJ Metalfest 02 and NJ Birch Hill 98 and Lamour 88, I have a question about the editing of the Killing Ground video.

Who is the yawning man beside the drumset that is shown around the 31 second and 45 second frames? Get him out of there. He look bored!

Who is the woman looking at her watch at the 18 second frame?
Get her out of there, she look bored too.

You might say I've got too much time on my hands to micro-manage the production, but I say I've watched it not enough times. It really kicks! It will watch it more. I will not buy another Saxon album until it beats Heavy Metal Thunder. It's a great re-birth to old tunes with a new band. Screw the other lawsuit crybabies. Thet have been published with the fresh lineup. Go get em Biff & crew!!! see you in USA in 2003!

You da man!

So, I have a few comments about the video.
mveneck said:
I'm a great Saxon fan and I know and listen to all of the albums especially the 1995 era forward, like Solid Ball thru HMT.

If you're a great Saxon fan you should've known that Solid Ball of Rock were released -90, not -95.
And if you like their old songs you could check out M/M!
Metalhead is the best though :rock: (or is it UTB?)
Paxoman said:
And you call yourself a fan?

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To clarify my comments:

That was a compliment to HMT, Pax.
HMT is a great sounding disc and it's been stuck in my CD player all winter long.

I remember buying Sold Ball at a Coconuts store in Queens in 1991.
I am familiar with all of the Saxon albums.

I have little interest in the Oliver Dawson band. Saxon songs can only be sung by Biff. It's not the same with someone else singing.

I still enjoy cranking Unleashed. It seems like yesterday that album was released. Its hard to believe its been 5 years already.

mveneck said:
I still enjoy cranking Unleashed. It seems like yesterday that album was released. Its hard to believe its been 5 years already.

I have to admit that UTB, Solid Ball, and Metalhead -and Dogs of War too, sounds very fresh, and sound like if they were released yesterday!
= They rock! :rock:
That is fair enough mveneck, but I don't see how you can say you are a fan if you say you won't get a Saxon album if it is not better then HMT. So even if it was a brill album, but not better then HMT (in your opinion), you still wouldn't get it? That doesn't make any sense! I would buy it even if it was shit! But obviously no Saxon album is shit!!! Apart from...........