Killwhitneydead - Never Good Enough for You

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Killwhitneydead - Never Good Enough for You
Tribunal Records - 2004
By Adam McAuley


Killwhitneydead are so compelling that they should be dubbed horror metal. It seems silly, but they go the extra mile and make certain aspects of their overall entertainment package more gripping, just because of this apparent "gimmick".

First off, you'll notice that the cover is probably one of the most extreme you've ever seen. That's certainly the case with me, but the depiction of a mutilated lady is actually very suitable. Next, there is a very frequent use of samples throughout the disc, that mostly enhance the campy horror atmosphere the band is trying to portray. Don't be surprised if you hear Stewie from Family Guy a couple of times. The musical portion of the album itself consists of short outbursts of gory metal somewhat in the vein of Impaled or Gorerotted, but with an undoubted grind element.

It doesn't seem quite like typical death metal's more of a horrific take on the genre that is the band's own unique creation. Suspense is built up over the course of the work and, like any good horror flick, climaxes towards the end of the disc, where you'll hear some of the more musical moments of the album, including a rockish-type tune. Although the band's music is solid, but unspectacular, it's the overall atmosphere depicted that makes them so effective. Recommended to adventurous folks that might actually appreciate a slight shift of attention from just the music to the entire package.


Official Tribunal Records website
Official Killwhitneydead website