Kinda corny, but WTF... what did you get for X-mas?

You and me both TL , I really don't like Christmas all that much , way too much presure and stress. Let's see , I got a bunch of gift certs , Target, Best Buy, and Home Depot. Got a new 12 speed blender for making drinks :)
Crapmass! I agree with HL. Christmas is too stressful. I got a girls best friend, if you know what I mean and gift certificates to Tower Records. My mom spents a lot of do re mi to put about 5 hours of 5mm film onto dvd's. Totally awesome. It's fun watching old movies. Especially seeing my dad. IT's been 2 long xmas' without him, but at least now, I can turn on the player and see him whenever I want.
OfficerNice said:
I got the Neil Peart book
"Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road" which is all about him
dealing with his wife and 19year old daughter dying a year apart.

I want that book! He's a really good writer!

I got a Taylor "Big Baby" guitar...I love it...just my size!
Slayer, "Soundtrack to the Apocalypse"
Rush in Rio DVD
Canine Oregon book..about where to "play and stay with your dog"
Various clothing items
UG boots (my feet get cold) HA!

and shitloads of cookies and candy!!!

I love Christmas...I think you guys put too much pressure on yourselves...lighten up and roll with's cool...presents, and FOOD...what else could you want?:loco:
what can i say - just couple of minutes ago my wife drove me back from polish party
my friend is goin' away to Suadi Arabia for like 2 years shit!!!!
we drunk a lot - listened to Metallica Master, Danzig, i sung some Test songs :))))
excuse me for being death:)))
Slayer - War .... got that one .. almost killed myslef laughing with that guy at the end ... SSSSSslllllllllllaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyeeeeeeerrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
then catching his breath :))))))) ufffffff!!!!!
MindInsane said:
I love Christmas...I think you guys put too much pressure on yourselves...lighten up and roll with's cool...presents, and FOOD...what else could you want?:loco:
You don't live in one of the worlds most stressful places , Los Angeles. Where there are MOUNTAINS of people and traffic and it gets HORRIBLE @ X-mas time. :loco:

Oregon is way different. My grandparents live in Oregon, Medford to be exact and it's much slower paced, with much less people.

I do agree that presents and Food are always good ! :D
MindInsane said:
I love Christmas...I think you guys put too much pressure on yourselves...lighten up and roll with's cool...presents, and FOOD...what else could you want?:loco:
MI, I own a business and I had to spend money on customers that I didn't want to because they are all pains in my ass. Although they bring me my money, it sucks to have to travel all over hell to drop shit off that they just don't appreciate. It's true. Only about three out of 30 called me to thank me for the things I gave them. Also, I consider Xmas very dysfunctional for me since my dad died. I consider it a day just like any other. The only good thing is that it was a four day weekend for me.

What else could I want? More money so I can retire, move to Montana, own a ranch and get the fuck out of LA.! That's it!

Glad you had a Merry one.:)
:tickled: I got the Slayer Box set. The new Hatebreed cd. And I won a working colecovision video game system on ebay. That is a present to myself cause I never had one when I was a young brat! :loco:
Slayer-Soundtrack To The Apocalypse "ammo box"

Iron Maiden-Eddie's Archive box set

Opeth-Deliverance hoodie

Black Label Society DVD

Devildriver CD

Insomniac with Dave Attell 2 DVD set

Dio-Holy Diver longsleeve

Two bottles of extremely HOT hotsauce!

A "Flaming Moe" Simpsons glass.

That was all from my lovely wife! Here's the rest of what we got. It's our first "married" X-mas together so I think some people spoiled us a little bit this year!

Playstation 2 system with ATV Offroad 2 included

Lord Of The Rings:The Two Towers deluxe edition DVD set

Cheers 1st season on DVD

Death-Live In L.A. CD

Moonspell-The Antidote CD

Jeepers Creepers 2 DVD

A subscription to National Geographic from my wife's parents. I have never really read that magazine too much, but I enjoy nature so it might be a fun read sometimes. Would've liked a Metal Maniacs subscription too though ;)

We did get some other stuff but it's useful so it would bore the hell out of anyone who reads this. All in all it was a fine X-mas here!
Triumphant Apostle said:
That was all from my lovely wife! Here's the rest of what we got. It's our first "married" X-mas together so I think some people spoiled us a little bit this year!
Makes me feel a bit quilty that I didn't buy my hubby more shit! Music.....a family that listens together...stays together! :)
Valofvalhalla said:
MI, I own a business and I had to spend money on customers that I didn't want to because they are all pains in my ass. Although they bring me my money, it sucks to have to travel all over hell to drop shit off that they just don't appreciate. It's true. Only about three out of 30 called me to thank me for the things I gave them.

Hmmm...maybe cards?
~I got 30$, a Applebees gift card, and a card for Xmas. What did I do with it? I bought gifts for other people who are near impossible to shop for. The best thing about Christmas is that I get to see my family. The rest of it, is just wank for retail sales.
Pyrus said:
Gift cards to Borders and Gamescape (local store) from family friend and one of my uncles, and...well...that's pretty much it.

gamescape? is that like games workshop? hey do you play warhammer, i'm looking for eaarly on opponents.
for cd's

the two towers extended edition
pirates of the caribean
xmen 2
the boxed set of from dusk till dawn
southpark the first season

the hobbit in hardback
lord of the rings in hardback