King Diamond 20 Q


There will be an upcoming KD 20 Question on

here's the email I got...
Hey there Cliffy, what up!

Any questions for King Diamond? As in, for 20 Questions? I need to get them
together this weekend and have them ready to go by Monday/Tuesday of next week.
So if you know of anything that the King should be asked, by all means, let me

Hope things are well.

Jani Bon Neilio

So I submitted these, I have a few more in the works. Keep in mind these are meant to fit within the format they use to interview people. Helped with sequencing what they had & what I submitted.

Yeah KING is one of my all time faves...
here's a few.
1.) In a lot of your records, you thank your cats.
Are they really that much of an inspiration to you?
2.) Do you think the guys from Mercy only get together with you when they new money? You get a call for a new record yet?
3.) What's your take on the Force of Evil? It's basically a Mercy cover band isn't it?!
4.) Do you feel you got the shaft from Roadrunner Records? And how do you feel about them cashing in on you & Mercy by issuing "best of collections?" These weren't sanctioned by you or the band were they?
5.) Why do you think Black Rose didn't take off?
6.) Is it true that the cross bones, mike that you use IS actually made out of real human bone? Is that true?
7.) I have the Deadly Lullabies record, it sounds fantastic. How much of it is live though? You didn't pull a KISS on the fans did you?
8.) And speaking of KISS, Gene Simmons at one time slapped some legal paperwork
preventing you from using the make up from the Conspiracy era, right? Did you think it looked like Gene's Demon character?
9.) Would you consider yourself the one of the grandfathers of Black Metal?
And how much of this "satanic" vibe is for real? Is it legit or an "Image" that you chose to portray?
10.) Do you think that Marilyn Manson's image was too over the top? And why do think thing his career is in the tank?
11.) Why all the concept records? Is it hard to write a traditional metal track that doesn't have a story line around it?
12.) Have you ever been approached to have one of your stories made into film?
What do you think of Rob Zombie's attempt at movie making?
13.) Andy is the only member of the band that has stuck it out with you for many years. Why do you think that is? Do you feel he's trying to ride your coat tails?
14.) Have you ever thought of writing a children's book? If so what would it be about?
Hm. Some of those questions seem offensive to me. Andy riding coat tails, Mercyful Fate only calling when they need money. What happened there?

I had heard that he was working on a screenplay for Them but you kind of covered that.

And of course the mic is real bone...

I would have liked to ask him about how he comes up with the story lines. Is he an avid horror reader or does he dream something close and run with it from there?
Psychonaut said:
Hm. Some of those questions seem offensive to me. Andy riding coat tails, Mercyful Fate only calling when they need money. What happened there?

I had heard that he was working on a screenplay for Them but you kind of covered that.

And of course the mic is real bone...

I would have liked to ask him about how he comes up with the story lines. Is he an avid horror reader or does he dream something close and run with it from there?
I knew the mic was real bone, a human thigh bone or something like that.
You are probably right, about some of the questions being a bit out there & likely offensive. I just wrote these 13 & then submitted another 12, they will cull from various sources & come up with 20.
The only question that I want to read a reply to is the Simmons question.
I think Gene comes off as a big bully & from what I have read in the past, makes King sound like a big pussy that back off, when he say the lawyers coming.
I too read about the Them screen play & I think it would make a great movie. Hollywood tends to ruin everything they touch. I do think if there is a director out there that is a fan, he/she could do it justice.
ask the KING this:

"Is it true that you dated Anton LaVey's daughter, Zeena?"

"What was the outcome of your mid-80s feud with Manowar?"

"Did you actually put a curse on Gene Simmons after he sued you?
If so, why do you believe such nonsense?"

"What are your favorite Fate and Diamond CDs?"
Lucky you didn't post this in the GMD like you did with the Stryper one that the little kid closed on you lol .. we would be in trouble if he MOD'd Old School.... :yuk:

sixxswine said:
There will be an upcoming KD 20 Question on

here's the email I got...
Hey there Cliffy, what up!

Any questions for King Diamond? As in, for 20 Questions? I need to get them
together this weekend and have them ready to go by Monday/Tuesday of next week.
So if you know of anything that the King should be asked, by all means, let me

Hope things are well.

Jani Bon Neilio

So I submitted these, I have a few more in the works. Keep in mind these are meant to fit within the format they use to interview people. Helped with sequencing what they had & what I submitted.

Yeah KING is one of my all time faves...
here's a few.
1.) In a lot of your records, you thank your cats.
Are they really that much of an inspiration to you?
2.) Do you think the guys from Mercy only get together with you when they new money? You get a call for a new record yet?
3.) What's your take on the Force of Evil? It's basically a Mercy cover band isn't it?!
4.) Do you feel you got the shaft from Roadrunner Records? And how do you feel about them cashing in on you & Mercy by issuing "best of collections?" These weren't sanctioned by you or the band were they?
5.) Why do you think Black Rose didn't take off?
6.) Is it true that the cross bones, mike that you use IS actually made out of real human bone? Is that true?
7.) I have the Deadly Lullabies record, it sounds fantastic. How much of it is live though? You didn't pull a KISS on the fans did you?
8.) And speaking of KISS, Gene Simmons at one time slapped some legal paperwork
preventing you from using the make up from the Conspiracy era, right? Did you think it looked like Gene's Demon character?
9.) Would you consider yourself the one of the grandfathers of Black Metal?
And how much of this "satanic" vibe is for real? Is it legit or an "Image" that you chose to portray?
10.) Do you think that Marilyn Manson's image was too over the top? And why do think thing his career is in the tank?
11.) Why all the concept records? Is it hard to write a traditional metal track that doesn't have a story line around it?
12.) Have you ever been approached to have one of your stories made into film?
What do you think of Rob Zombie's attempt at movie making?
13.) Andy is the only member of the band that has stuck it out with you for many years. Why do you think that is? Do you feel he's trying to ride your coat tails?
14.) Have you ever thought of writing a children's book? If so what would it be about?
tedvanfrehley said:
Aren't the Metal Sludge questions SUPPOSED to be offensive?!?!
Didn't you see my list? Some of those are pretty out there...
There has to be a good mix & some of the ones these guys had are great.
Like I said they will use what they want & probably put their Sludge Spin
on them anyway...
At least there's stuff that fans submitted in there, rather than then having
weak material...