Kiss rumors

Cold Gin

Aug 8, 2002
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As I read today, Kiss will not come to Europe with Def Leppard. That would have been a killer-tour, at least for me. It´s a shame it didn´t come true. Anyway, other rumors say they will do a festival in Berlin with Aerosmith, Genesis, Rush and Yes. Pretty cool.
Yeah, I read that the Def Leppard tour is off but that they are considering other bands in the "Leppard" vein...I think if the tour happens, though, KISS should headline. I like Aerosmith ok, but how do you sit through 2hrs of Aerosmith after seeing KISS?!?!?!
Kiss are coming to Australia in April. Dunno if it will be with Aerosmith or not though, buy definitely in Australia Kiss would headline over Aerosmith. Nobody gives a crap about Aerosmith here, but Kiss are far bigger in Australia than they are in most other countries (hence why Alive IV was here and they're opening their first Kiss World shop here etc). There is no way in hell Aerosmith could headline over Kiss in Australia that's for sure.
Why don't they put out a record? What are they so afraid of?
As a "former memeber of the KI$$ Army of Jacka$$e$$" I would still have interest
in a new record. Great choice touring with Aerosupply though, becuase honestly,
KI$$ would not have been able to play the venues in North America that they did on their own. They needed a "bigger" act. Good business move not hooking up with Leppard, they are on their last legs & couldn't pack a club in North America! They brought this on themselves by tarnishing what was left of their legacy with their last three studio records!
Kiss is the reason I'm a music fan, they were the first band that I got into. In 1978 at the tender age of 9 it was not the easiest thing in the world to talk one of your parents into buying you a Kiss lp, but I did it! :) Anyway, today Kiss means nothing to me. I still love all of the old albums but I would not pay 5 bucks to see them live. You're right though Sixx, if they put out a new (good) album I may get interested but I don't see that happening.

Sixx - Do you still have all of the junk they sent you for joining the Kiss Army? I do. :) Crap I'm old!!
Reading all this stuff is really surprising to me, about Kiss not being able to pack arenas in North America and Def Leppard not even packing a club there. You gotta be kidding right? Is rock music really THAT dead in the US??

Kiss sell out multiple arenas shows in a few hours in Australia and Def Leppard even played arenas last time they toured a few years back!

Could be because those bands tour the US all the time so people don't have as much incentive to make sure they catch the show, whereas here the tours don't come as frequently so people make the most of it. But still...

But if hard rock tours are so dead in the USA, it makes me wonder why more bands only tour there and don't come down here where it seems they would be alot more successful. Maybe they just don't know that they'd do well here because they think "if we can't sellout shows in our own country we're not flying half way around the world to fail there as well" or something. I really wish Maiden would get themselves down here. Their new album debuted near the top 10 in Australia which is alot more than it did in the States yet of course they tour America but not here. More bands should learn from Kiss and tour Australia every couple of years!
Well, I think that the only bands that can sell out arenas on their own in the states right now would be METALLICA, KISS (I have to say KISS because look at their last tour with Nugent and Skid Row? People were not buying seats to see skid row in my opinion...) and probably AEROSMITH. I say these 3 because right now (at least in my neck of the woods) people would go see them just to see a concert, even if they weren't huge fans. Any casual rock fan knows these guys....
The Trooper said:
Reading all this stuff is really surprising to me, about Kiss not being able to pack arenas in North America and Def Leppard not even packing a club there. You gotta be kidding right? Is rock music really THAT dead in the US??

But if hard rock tours are so dead in the USA, it makes me wonder why more bands only tour there and don't come down here where it seems they would be alot more successful.QUOTE]
To answer your questions:
1.) KISS could probably pack an arena hold 14,000 seats. They probably would not sell out if they didn't have a "popular" opening band.:D
2.) It's true, Def Leppard can't fill a club in the USA. This summer they played a the state fair in Oregon. You wanna know ehat the cost was? zilch. They must have "whored" their asses for that gig. Like I said it's all self inflicted & they got in return what they gave the fans with their last three records. A big middle finger!:loco:
3.) Rock is alive & well in America. Just cos' a band had success in the 80's & they don't now doesn't mean that rock is dead. Keep in mind 1980 was 23 years ago? I think rock is amore underground now & will be huge again. I wouldn't jold my breath on there being a retro thing going on & there being a big push for the glam of the 80's though. Which is a great thing, I personally wouldn't want it to come back. I liked certain bands from the era, but to be honset there were very few innovators & a shit load of followers.
Rock isn't dead, but let's face facts. The bands with butts in the seats are the bands that have teenagers' butts in the seats. Teens were big into rock/metal in the 80s and bands sold out stadiums because rock/metal bands were live acts. People from that era are in their 30s and don't go to as many concerts.
The way to support rock and roll/metal is not talk about it, but go to the shows. I hang my head in shame in fact, because Three Doors Down played in my city (Columbus Georgia in which I live in it's sister city Phenix City Alabama, not 1 mile away) on New Year's Eve and I didn't go. I bitched about ticket prices ($35) etc. but ya' know even though I don't care too much for the modern rock....... less Fuel, Three Doors Down is about the best there is in the genre and a pretty damned good rock band.
I could drive 90 miles to Atlanta and see some metal bands of course, but this was my chance to show my support and help get other bands in Columbus. That goes back to any band playing semi-locally. I know I haven't went to many concerts like I used to do in my earl twenties.

sixxswine said:
I think rock is more underground now

Sixx is right. Here in the states most kids could'nt give a flying frigg about rock. All of the big tours are these dinosaur bands, just nostalgia trips, with nothing new to offer.

So I would say that mainstream rock is indeed dead in America, but it's still thriving in the underground. You just have to go out and find it because it does not come looking for you anymore.
thats a real bugger for me right now greeno.i really wanted you to say that every motherfucker wants to buy rock albums-know what i
you boys are right seems to be taking a different direction these last few years.a few more bands with huge corporate backing,more bands with none.
There are still people that are very much into the "heavy" scene, but they are underground like I said. And not all the music is American made, you're seeing a lot of the Euro bands having a cult following around here. It must be like what "punk" was back in the day. The only difference? These bands are musicians & do have talent too!
When I say "rock" though I mean hard rock/rock & roll, not alternative rock. I know alternative rock is alive and kicking.

That still amazes me that Kiss could only pack a 14,000 seat arena in the US if they had a popular opening act! Especially since your population is so big compared to ours. Last year when Kiss toured Melbourne they sold 40,000 seats for the Symphony show with no problems and no opening act at all (and ticket prices averaged $200), and on the two tours before that they sold out 3 shows each time at a 15,000+ seat arena pretty much the day they went on sale and both times just had local bands as support that nobody cares about. And once again (although the '97 Reunion tour was quite cheap), ticket prices here are alot more than in the US coz the Australian dollar sucks at the moment and it costs alot to bring the full show down here, which they do. I paid about $130 for the Farewell tour and it wasn't even the expensive tickets.

I know if a band such as Poison toured here they obviously wouldn't do as well as that, but I'd have no doubt that they could do as well as they do in the States (and in the States they probably only get the crowds they do because of the package tours). If Motley Crue almost sold out Melbourne Park (the venue Kiss usually plays, about 15,000 seat arena) in 2000 (shame they cancelled weeks before the show though, grrrr), then I have no doubt that Poison could pack Festival Hall on their own, which is the same venue bands such as Slayer and Slipknot play when they tour. It holds about 6,000 I think.

How do Bon Jovi go live in the US these days?!? I'm curious about that one. Here they are still massive. Generally they play open air shows here now for audiences of about 40,000+. I'd imagine they'd still be massive in the US as well and pack out those kinda venues, especially if Aerosmith do coz nobody cares about Aerosmith in Australia. It just shocked me that Kiss aren't that big in the US anymore!

Metallica still pack arenas without a problem. They're playing here this month, its an open air show for probably 60,000 or something and sold out in one morning. I'm definitely not going to that and really don't wanna either. I saw them in '98 on their last tour here and it was average. So seeing them now I can't imagine to be any better and in fact no doubt will be worse. I saw Megadeth at a club venue 2 years ago and that show KILLED Metallica's 98 show I saw, and generally I'm a huge fan of arena shows over club shows.
Metallica has no problems selling tickets. Bon Jovi? I think their records still sell a million copies, but that's really nothing. You really have to push like 3-4 million units to call your record a hit. Frankly, Bon Jovi blows. I think the only record of theirs that was worth a shit was their Slippery disc. That was released in what '86-'87?!
I wouldn't call a lot of the music out there today "alternative rock" would you guys?
I think there's some "heavy" stuff out there, it's just to similar to the last band. Kinda like your poisons, then you had your warrants then came the third generations the tuffs. I wouldn't consider Numetal "alternative." It's a heck of a lot heavier than that. What truely blows is this new wave of garage rock. What shit this is. I think they feel they are the second coming of punk or something.
sixxswine said:
What truely blows is this new wave of garage rock. What shit this is. I think they feel they are the second coming of punk or something.

I don't think the bands believe that..... but the record industry sure wants the public to.Sooooo over hyped!! The record industry was just trying to repackage and force feed the public a sound that has been around since the late 60's and early 70's. These NEW garage bands are playing nothing new, the MC5 and the Modern Lovers were playing that music 30 years ago (and doing a better job), it's always been around and hopefully it always will be. I like that type of raw music when it's real, the underground is built on that type of music. But to have a bunch of suit and tie guys try to build a scene and make a fast buck off of it is offensive. And lets think about it for a minute.... a major label releasing a garage rock album makes about as much sense as an indy label releasing a Mariah Carey album. Get real!
sixxswine said:
Hey did UM do away with out post counter?
What they hell?:hotjump:

Thanks for asking that question... I've been wanting to all day!! Get them back up there, it's driving me crazy! Don't know why but it is. :)