
TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Saw Kissteria again last night! And again I sported the Vinnie Vincent makeup!! Only 2 people there were in Kiss makeup, me as Vinnie and some girl as Gene. Unfortunately though they didnt have a best makeup competition this time! :( Didn't matter though.... I only got good responses this time, no bad ones!!! (Some reaaaaaaally good! :grin:

Anyway, Kissteria as usual were AWESOME and unlike last time I got to see the whole show coz I got a lift home. They even did the confetti bombs and all in Rock & Roll All Nite, and it looks like the latest addition to their show is the Kiss lights at the back of the stage now!!! So they had pretty much all the Kiss special effects except pyro: The curtain falling & rumble/voice at the start, the blood spitting, fire breathing, Firehouse sirens/lights, smoking guitar, Paul smashing a guitar, Kiss lights, confetti bombs, etc... It was great!!!!

Setlist... I'll try and remember but it will be hard!!!!! It will definitely be a little out of order but close enough!

- I Stole Your Love (great surprise!)
- King Of The Night Time World
- Let Me Go, Rock & Roll
- Sure Know Something
- Firehouse
- Watchin' You
- Hide Your Heart
- Nothin' To Lose (with Eric on vocals)
- Radioactive
- Move On (Radioactive/Move On back to back like the Largo '79 show!)
- I Love It Loud
- I Was Made For Lovin' You
- Heaven's On Fire
- 2,000 Man (with Ace's solo)
- C'Mon & Love Me
- Shout It Out Loud
- Shandi
- God Of Thunder
- 100,000 Years
- Deuce
- Black Diamond (with the melodic '80s ending!!!)
- Rock & Roll All Nite

That was it, and a rough idea of the order but heaps of them are out of place. Lots of songs Kiss hardly ever play anyhow which was great!!! I can't believe they opened with I Stole Your Love!!! :grin: And I'd have to say that Radioactive/Move On was an awesome surprise, as well as Vinnie's "melodic" ending to Black Diamond from the Creatures tour that they ended up using all through the non-makeup era!!!


I also took some photos of the show. I'll get them developed tomorrow then get them scanned and post some. They are so convincing as Kiss!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually there was a glam band opening for them. Not a very good one though. Kinda a trash/glam rock & roll type band. Not too bad but the singer sucked. They had the same candle things on stage though that Kiss did on the Hotter Than Hell tour so that was cool haha.
The Trooper said:
- Nothin' To Lose (with Eric on vocals)

Anyone else think Troops gets a little too excited over a tribute band, did Gene spit fire too? ;)

BUT, they sound awesome, I might go see them if they do a show up here :D :rock:

Confetti bombs! :rock:
Yep he breathed fire :)

Kissteria are a Sydney band and play up there HEAPS. They are playing at the Forest Inn Bexley or whatever on Saturday night with some Led Zeppelin tribute band supporting them.

I think they're playing an outdoor show at some showgrounds up there soon too... expect a big show for that one with pyro and all :)
I think you missed my point young Trooper, I was laughing because you referred to the drummer as eric :D (Unless his name really is eric, that would be quite weird... Or it was a guy called eric playing peters part, not eric singer... Hmmm)

Bexley. Screw that :mad: They can come play at Panthers dammit :D (That outdoors show sounds quite good!)
They call themselves by the Kiss names too though, I don't know their real names. On stage they call each other Ace, Paul, Gene and Eric and talk in American accents haha :)
It's been $12 entry for the last couple I went to. They didn't use pyro in those ones though because I don't think The Corner Hotel allows it. I have seen photos of them using pyro in indoor venues though so I'm guessing they use it whenever they're allowed, so at an outdoor show they would for sure I reckon!

Kisstroyer apparently used pyro at the Hi-Fi bar last week. I missed that show :(

They must put a bit of money into their shows though! They have exact replica costumes, the same instruments Kiss use (the dude who is Paul uses Ibanez Paul Stanley guitars, one of them custom made with the shattered mirrors!!) and the dude who is Ace uses Les Pauls obviously but one of them custom made with the smoke bomb in the neck pickup hole. Plus they have the big Kiss lights at the back of the stage, they smash a guitar in each show.... must cost them a bit!!!

But tribute bands make ALOT more money than original bands as far as the local music scene goes apparently.
The smoking guitar actually belongs to the guy who used to be in the band he paid for it and had all the wrk done on it...the band are yet to give it back or pay for it...he loaned it to them ages ago when he was fired from the band for stupid reasons. The money they get for their shows goes into them plus they charge a minimum of $5000 for their interstate shows to cover all costs etc. As for tribute bands making more money in many cases that is true as punters out there are not willing to get of their ass and take a chance and see a new band they never have heard of etc.
We are selling a Les Paul the same as Ace's at wrk at the moment!
Kissteria have been together for about 10yrs! Explains why they have money as well as they have starred in a couple episodes of Pizza and the movie as well.
I must watch Pizza now! :grin: They are such an awesome tribute band. I've never seen such attention to detail! Their shows are just so accurate that it's actually scary!