

Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
I know I've encountered some opposition to them on this forum, but I'm making this thread strictly for those who have never heard of them or those who have but haven't been able to check them out. Kiuas is a more recent metal band from Finland. All the members are Finnish pagans, and therefore the subject matter of most of their songs deals with paganism and their heritage. They're gaining significant repute in metal circles for their unique blend of power metal with tenets of more extreme metal styles (i.e. growl vocals occasionally, blast beats frequently, death metal riffing, etc.). Their myspace currently features short segments of two songs (The Decaying Doctrine, and Of Sacrifice, Loss, and Reward) off their new album called The New Dark Age. There are also full samples of songs from their previous two records (definitely check out the song Warrior Soul). Kiuas is one of my favorite bands, and I hope that this thread will help to spread their legacy throughout the metal community. Hope you enjoy the tunes! :headbang:

Feel free to share your thoughts, whether you like them or not, etc. If anyone finds them interesting, I'd be obliged to help you get into them more!
I downloaded The Spirit of Ukko and Reformation a couple days ago. I haven't got a chance to take much of a listen yet, apart from the samples on their myspace. This thread has reminded me of them, so I'll give Reformation a spin right now! I'll let you know what i think.
very, very good stuff. I love the fusion of different styles.
I'll definitely be listening to them a lot in the future, and I'll have to go pick up the new album sometime soon.
On my list of bands to get albums for, but so far only moderately high. Which means I have about a few hundred albums to go through before I get them. :p
^Ha, I hear you. If you get the chance, they'll definitely be worth your time, especially if you dig the myspace stuff.

Kfarns666, glad you like them! You can order the new album online (at their website, if you want) if it hasn't been released where you live yet.