Recommendation: KIUAS - Reformation

Mitotyn is one of the bands that blew my mind when I was first getting into metal. "King of the Distant Forests" or whatever it's called is an awesome album!
Shit, I seriously need to own that album again. I just listened to "Under the Banner" and I'm remembering how awesome this band really was.
re-Falconer: Scepter of Deception is also really good IMO. "Chapters from a Vale Forlorn" was all rehashed riffs and songs from the s/t, and the newest "Grime and Grandeur" was an experimental failure.
Demilich said:
so... greatest missapropriation of the phrase "old school vibe" in RC history?

If your talking about Kiuas, then yes and no. Alot of the riffs, particularly in the last song have a very classic metal feel to them, not so much on the first two samples. Production/tone wise yes, thats pretty apparent.
I enjoyed that last track, it made for a jolly and mighty listen. I wouldn't be able to listen to the whole album ever, I'm sure, not my thing at all (didn't care for the other sample), but that last track at least is quality for sure, the kind of thing I might put on a mix cd (if I made a mighty power mix of some sort some day , which I won't) so I don't have to hear more than 1 of their songs, but still enjoy that one.