People love to judge an album as a whole, I've decided to rank every Kiuas song (albums only, no covers/bonus tracks/demos/EP's) individually in order from favorite to least favorite, just basically to get everyone's idea of Kiuas' best work!
Spirit of Ukko
1. Spirit Of Ukko
2. On The Winds Of Death We Ride
3. No More Sleep For Me
4. Warrior Soul
5. Until We Reach The Shore
6. Across The Snows
7. Thorns Of A Black Rose
8. And The North Star Cried
1. Race With The Falcons
2. Through The Ice Age
3. New Chapter
4. Of Ancient Wounds
5. Child Of Cimmeria
6. Black Winged Goddess
7. Heart Of The Serpent
8. Bleeding Strings
9. Call Of The Horns
10. Reformation
The New Dark Age
1. The Decaying Doctrine
2. Conqueror
3. Kiuas War Anthem
4. The New Dark Age
5. To Excel And Ascend
6. Black Rose Withered
7. After The Storm
8. Of Sacrifice, Loss And Reward
9. The Summoning
10. The Warrior's Lamentation
01. Kiuassault
02. Cry Little Angel
03. Of Lust, Love and Human Nature
04. Aftermath
05. Lights Are Many
06. The Visionary
07. Heart and Will
08. The Quickening
09. Summer's End
10. Winter's Sting
My Rankings:
Elite Tracks
1 Warrior Soul
2 Spirit Of Ukko
3 Race With The Falcons
4 Kiuas War Anthem
5 Across The Snows
6 Child Of Cimmeria/Black Winged Goddess
7 On The Winds Of Death We Ride
8 Kiuassault
9 Winter's Sting
10 The Decaying Doctrine
11 The Visionary
12 Summer's End
Solid Tracks
13 Conqueror
14 The New Dark Age
15 Through The Ice Age
16 Of Lust, Love and Human Nature
17 Bleeding Strings
18 The Summoning
19 Of Ancient Wounds
20 Call Of The Horns
21 And The North Star Cried
22 Aftermath
23 After The Storm
24 New Chapter
25 Reformation
26 The Warrior's Lamentation
27 Until We Reach The Shore
28 Cry Little Angel
29 Of Sacrifice, Loss And Reward
30 Heart Of The Serpent
31 To Excel And Ascend
Indifferent Tracks
32 Heart and Will
33 No More Sleep For Me
34 Black Rose Withered
35 Lights Are Many
36 Thorns Of A Black Rose
37 The Quickening
Conclusion: I always see people say that The Spirit of Ukko is Kiuas' best work... and I have agreed with that statement for years, until recently. I really think Reformation is quite the underdog album for me, even though it's Kiuas' most criticized. I feel every release has it's ups and downs, but all albums stand apart in greatness. Lustdriven is still fresh, but I stand by this list as I have given it quite a few listens over the past few months.
P.S. I would love to see your list!
Spirit of Ukko
1. Spirit Of Ukko
2. On The Winds Of Death We Ride
3. No More Sleep For Me
4. Warrior Soul
5. Until We Reach The Shore
6. Across The Snows
7. Thorns Of A Black Rose
8. And The North Star Cried
1. Race With The Falcons
2. Through The Ice Age
3. New Chapter
4. Of Ancient Wounds
5. Child Of Cimmeria
6. Black Winged Goddess
7. Heart Of The Serpent
8. Bleeding Strings
9. Call Of The Horns
10. Reformation
The New Dark Age
1. The Decaying Doctrine
2. Conqueror
3. Kiuas War Anthem
4. The New Dark Age
5. To Excel And Ascend
6. Black Rose Withered
7. After The Storm
8. Of Sacrifice, Loss And Reward
9. The Summoning
10. The Warrior's Lamentation
01. Kiuassault
02. Cry Little Angel
03. Of Lust, Love and Human Nature
04. Aftermath
05. Lights Are Many
06. The Visionary
07. Heart and Will
08. The Quickening
09. Summer's End
10. Winter's Sting
My Rankings:
Elite Tracks
1 Warrior Soul
2 Spirit Of Ukko
3 Race With The Falcons
4 Kiuas War Anthem
5 Across The Snows
6 Child Of Cimmeria/Black Winged Goddess
7 On The Winds Of Death We Ride
8 Kiuassault
9 Winter's Sting
10 The Decaying Doctrine
11 The Visionary
12 Summer's End
Solid Tracks
13 Conqueror
14 The New Dark Age
15 Through The Ice Age
16 Of Lust, Love and Human Nature
17 Bleeding Strings
18 The Summoning
19 Of Ancient Wounds
20 Call Of The Horns
21 And The North Star Cried
22 Aftermath
23 After The Storm
24 New Chapter
25 Reformation
26 The Warrior's Lamentation
27 Until We Reach The Shore
28 Cry Little Angel
29 Of Sacrifice, Loss And Reward
30 Heart Of The Serpent
31 To Excel And Ascend
Indifferent Tracks
32 Heart and Will
33 No More Sleep For Me
34 Black Rose Withered
35 Lights Are Many
36 Thorns Of A Black Rose
37 The Quickening
Conclusion: I always see people say that The Spirit of Ukko is Kiuas' best work... and I have agreed with that statement for years, until recently. I really think Reformation is quite the underdog album for me, even though it's Kiuas' most criticized. I feel every release has it's ups and downs, but all albums stand apart in greatness. Lustdriven is still fresh, but I stand by this list as I have given it quite a few listens over the past few months.
P.S. I would love to see your list!