
KMFDM broke up after their album "Adios".
Sascha, Tim Sköld and Lucia Cifarelli formed a new project under the name "MDFMK"...they released one album and some month after that KMFDM re-united...Attak is their first album after the split.

I got the album at the day it was released...very good stuff IMO. My favourite song is "urban monkey warfare".

I just got the new Attak cd. Pretty killer stuff. This is really my first KMFDM experience so what other cd's should I check out?
"Adios" is very good, and the MDFMK disc too...
Get Xtort! That CD is awesome... if you're into that kind of thing, which you seem to be :)

KMFDM used to be my favourite band, and they essential got me started with metal (Xtort is pretty metal for an industrial album). Also, Xtort has Son of a Gun, which is the best KMFDM song ever! That's a win-win situation if I've ever seen one.