Non Metal Music...

indeed, I watched a little part of an episode of Battle For Ozzfest once, and omg it's fucking sad.
It's almost like Idols. :\
the way Sharon talks, bwahaha :D.
Well said my friend. Damn well said.
\m/ :kickass:


NineFeetUnderground said:
I dont know what school of ignorance you attended, but black sabbath has always been and always will be a heavy metal band. Simply because they dont fit into your little box of what you think HeAvY MeDuL should sound like doesnt mean they could ask any other half intelligent metal fan this, and Opeth about as well, id guarantee theyd agree.

As for Ozzy, hes had 2 reality tv shows on MTV, and thats fine. I agree its not the most "metal" thing hes ever done, but as far as im concerned, hes paid his dues in full and hardly needs your approval to be considered valid these days...and having a couple tv shows at almost 60 years old doesnt detract from his past acomplishments and pioneering.
There's so much truth in these words though... I think that's because he doesn't even know what the hell is he doing, he's ...a puppet.
\m/ :kickass:


FUBAR said:
Ozzy has become a joke, people whatch the show to laugh at him.....its sad, oh so very sad
I listen mainly to music that is adventurous in nature, from 60's free jazz to contemporary classical, abstract techno to power electronics/noise.

My favorite metal bands are ones that push boundaries- not just 'most extreme' but are truly original and forward-thinking.

Also, call me a freak, but I often prefer to turn off the speakers and just listen to my surroundings. I'm often surprised by what I hear!

I don't like listening to the voices in my head! Shut up you!