
^you've already been excepted in the guild :)

im telling all my friends about this and they love it :headbang:

get them here and let them join the guild

rank 75 now btw :kickass:

I'm gonna choose an easy victim for out first guild war, then we just attack every member that we can beat. Our guild's lesser level will deal with the weaker knights and the strong among us will deal with the stronger knights. But I'm gonna get a new sword first when I rise another level.
a knight is strong when he can do a great ammount of damage.

I'm at level 8
Base damage: 7.00 - 10.00
Bonus (Strength): + 4.42
Ice-Damage: + 1.00
Total damage: 12.42 - 15.42

Base defense: 1.00 - 3.00
Bonus (Dexterity): + 0.20
Total Defense: 1.20 - 3.20
oh, Saartje gave me a good idea, whenever you loot a good amount of gold from someone, post it here

Black Core looted 113 Credits! Black Core received 0 and yuio got 1 experience point(s)! (level4)
Sock puppet almighty looted 7 Credits! Sock puppet almighty received 1 and smokee got 1 experience point(s)!

W00T I SUCK!!!!!!1one
^I said a good amount :Smug:

let's say starting from 100 gold and more

and add the level of the dude so other ppl know if they can handle him or not