Ignitor question


New Metal Member
Feb 16, 2008
This may seem like a dumb question but I am gonna ask it anyway.
When you are playing the ignitor sitting down do you have to play it classical style or can you just play it on your right leg (considering I'm right handed)?
I normally play it on my right leg. Again this isn't really a big deal. And if you do have to play it classical style it probably won't stop me from getting one :kickass:
This may seem like a dumb question but I am gonna ask it anyway.
When you are playing the ignitor sitting down do you have to play it classical style or can you just play it on your right leg (considering I'm right handed)?
I normally play it on my right leg. Again this isn't really a big deal. And if you do have to play it classical style it probably won't stop me from getting one :kickass:

Hey metalhead6061,

Welcome to this forum, and this is not a dumb question. In fact, I'm glad you asked.

For me, I traditionally use the classical sitting position anyway, guitar on the left leg. I have also occasionally switched over to the right leg as well, and for the body of that guitar, there's really no problem that arises with it being on either leg. The only thing I don't really like about sitting with the guitar on your right leg, and I tell my students this all the time, is that you take your body out of alignment, and end up moving your upper body to the right side, while your legs go in a straight ahead position. When you're in the "classical" sitting position, your upper body and lower body are aligned, which causes your hands to be in alignment with the neck. The way you sit with a guitar, for the most part, is a matter of comfort, and ease of playing, at least it should be. Check out the difference between the two and you'll see what I mean.

Hope that helps answer your original question!:headbang:
Thanks so much man.
And your reasoning for sitting in the classical position makes a lot of sense.
I might start sitting the other way myself:headbang:
The one that keeps my playing better and my posture more comfortable... I don't care how much you like Motley Crue, the hunchback can't-move-my-skeleton thing is *not* something that should be worked towards...

The one that keeps my playing better and my posture more comfortable... I don't care how much you like Motley Crue, the hunchback can't-move-my-skeleton thing is *not* something that should be worked towards...


Haha agreed
when I play (schecter hellraiser, strat shaped guitar) it doesn't matter if it is left leg or right leg the guitar is staying on. For me it feels fine all ways. slightly offtopic though, but i find it harder to play rhythm guitar sitting down, for riffs and stuff like that I find it better standing.