
armour skill:2
one handed skill:3
two handed skill: 4

bad idea to do this, focus on either two handed skill or one handed skill combined with armour skill.
The weapons you can buy need a certain level of skill and the higher these skills at a low level, the faster you can get those good weapons and the stronger you're charecter will be at a low level and this will result in you being able to beat higher level characters and getting more exp which will result in you leveling faster
Update: level 4
Strength: 13
Stamina: 11
Dexterity: 12
Fighting ability: 12
Parry: 15
Armour: 6
One handed: 6
Two Handed: 0

Total loot: 1,190.00 Credits
Links clicked: 0
Battles: 26
Wins: 13
Losses: 13
Undecided: 0
Gold received: 271.00 Credits
Gold lost: 399.00 Credits
Damage to enemies: 146.66
Damage from enemies: 213.99

Seems i'm getting better :D

ok, here for the basics on guilds:
We have a guild castle that we can expand in order to get more ppl into our guild. Each level of castle supports another 5 ppl. For now I have 11 ppl that are my knights. I will only accept ppl of COBOT so if you play under another name, tell me or you won't get accepted.
You can donate to the guild so we can expand the castle but for now we only need 500 for the next level so if everyone would just donate a couple of gold if they can miss any, we're good to accept everyone who joined under my link
You wish, remember that I still need my revenge

btw, I'll be going to bed in 5-10 minutes, any application for the clan that I won't accept today will be accepted tomorrow