
I'd like to thank Squeee for the donation of a 1000 gold to build the castle to the next level

You will now get a special title in our guild cuz you have donated the most :)
I got one of [THNDR] Order of the Righteous Thunder

Black Core looted 84 Credits! Black Core received 1 and fireman got 1 experience point(s)!

pussies :lol:
^go on missions while you post here :p

how does the guild work?? who do we have to kill or what??

when someone of keeps attacking one of our guild members, the strong ones jump in and kick that guys ass till he stops, then we kick his ass some more until he begs for mercy and then we attack him some more

There are also guild wars that we can declare to another clan. Then we keep attacking the members of that guild till a winner is declared.