KOPETH third round !!!

Hi there,
I don't wanna annoy anyone, but I managed to finish the third KOPETH song. This time it took almost 3 days from writing to mastering which is quite a lot for this project.
All right. This time it's a 4/4 measure and it is less atmospheric as the two songs before. As usual it's quickly recorded and mixed and might be far from perfect!

All right! Check it out:


ps: As usual no lyrics!! LOL
Ha...Speak to me when you become a Super Rad Member. Then you will have someting to talk about.
Just took a listen. Need I mind you I am on some crappy computer speakers at work but first impressions are positive. I will be at my console in a few hours. I will pull it up then and give it a better listen.
Damn! Loving this dude, the drums are really bright, but work out for some reason.

The writing is awesome, you should get a live band going and write a full length!

Any details on the Gat's? they sound amazing!
Familia><Publica said:
Details on your recording chain would also be interesting to know.

Okay. Thanks for answers first of all!

The guitar sound is pretty much my "standard setup". I did not have the time to check too many things so i just did what would surely work.

2 tracks Rectifier / Boogie 4x12" / SM57 / API preamp / Distressor
(these tracks make 80% of the rhythm sound)

2 tracks recorded with the old POD2 directly to round the quite aggressive Rectifier tone
(these tracks make 20% of the rhythm sound. They are very low in volume, but not unimportant)

2 tracks of lead guitars CARVIN Legacy / Boogie 4x12" / RE20 / API preamp

Bass is Sansamp RBI / Distressor / Mu Audio Pultec

The drums are programmed as usual. I think I once postet the sounds on this forum! These are all my own sounds and are part of the stock LINPLUG RM4 library. There's a new snare that I took from the Six Reasons to Kill production I did. Sounds better now even though it's quite high pitched as someone said.

Thanks again for your interest!
Mind sharing your Recto settings???? Your rhythm tone is extremely similar to the sound I've been trying to achieve from my 3-channel Dual Recto. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Even if it sounds stupid. There's nothing extremely special to do.
I use a tube screamer the way many people do. I also tend to do a little gain with it so it's 10% gain from the TS and 10% gain from the recto.
Otherwise it's just the normal settings.
No Rectifier Tubes, Bold, a little mid dip and a gentle boost of the highs. That's basicly all.
The guitars were played with a very cheap Yamaha guitar by the way. I often prefer this guitar to the Gibsons I have. It has a warm yet chunky tone. It has a Duncan Jeff Beck in bridge position.
In my opinion it's quite impotant to really check which speaker where to mic! In my Boogie 4x12" there is one speaker that sounds quite bad, two that are okay and one that is cool.

I've produced a lot of albums with the Recto (or Fireball or 5150) + POD combination. That's a combo that works well for me cause you get two very different sounds to mix!