
Well if I'm not wrong they used a little girl because the cover idea is based on a movie by Fritz Lang called "M" (expressionist btw ;) ). In one of its most famous pictures there's a little girl threatened by the murderer's shadow..
:lol: this site is hilarious...

Things that suck more than KoRn said:
-herpes-having your teeth pulled out by rusty pliers-getting run over by a steam roller-being anally raped by the Green Giant-Plymouth Reliants-the line-up outside of HMV when Korn are there-getting your eyes gnawed out by rats-Vanilla Ice mounting a comeback-getting a papercut and spilling lemon juice on it-tearing your scrotum-exams-Microsoft-girl bands-stepping in dog shit
hahaha :lol::lol:
spellbound-by-the-bodom said:
I'm waiting for c taylor to show up and tell us how much we blow for not liking korn ;)

Actually I can't stand corn either :lol: Never did like them (This is c taylor btw, I just changed my name because it was shite)

A band that tries very hard to be Metal, but fails spectacularly with every half-assed record. Is listened to by suicidal suburban fucktards who wouldn't know a good metal band if one just happened to invade their Republican-infested cul de sac and raped them in the ass.

Stupid parents making me do my homework and only giving me $100 allowance this week. God, I hate my life. And I fucking hate them. Now I'm off to go commit suicide while listening to my Korn CD...
Taken from http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=korn