Korn Blames Piracy For Last Album's Bad Sales

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
KORN Frontman Blames Piracy For Last Album's Disappointing Sales

KORN frontman Jonathan Davis believes significant sales of the band's last album, "Untouchables", were lost to piracy, and he vows to do something about it. "We got so fucked on our last one — it leaked four months early," he says. "[Next] time there will be no CD going out before release. We're not going to give it to the label until a week before it comes out." "Untouchables", which has sold "only" 1.3 million units, according to SoundScan, is the worst-selling effort by the group, and its numbers are far below half of KORN's two previous full-length studio releases, 1999's "Issues" and 1998's "Follow the Leader".

According to Rolling Stone magazine, record labels are now taking unprecedented steps to protect their merchandise from being copied and distributed illegally. Perhaps no disc has been more heavily protected than LINKIN PARK's "Meteora", due March 25. None of the copies have left the custody of the band members, management and executives at Warner Bros. When the album was being mastered, the band had security guards on hand in the studio twenty-four hours a day to prevent any leaks. As tracks were finished, all earlier CD versions were destroyed. Press, radio programmers and retailers can only hear the album by going to the company's offices. The same level of security will likely be in place for new albums by METALLICA, LIMP BIZKIT, and STAIND.

From Blabbermouth.Net
That's still a hell of a lot of records , that statement really reflects the greed that those artists get used to. Maybe it's just that Korn keeps releasing the same ol' nu-metal songs on every single record. I don't know one friend or musician that likes Korn anyway. They can only stay popular for so long and in a way I'm glad they are looking at that as a disappointment. Hopefully everyone will download the next record as well and cause the next record to sell even less.
You know what I blame? God-awful fucking music, even for nu-metal... :yuk: Korn sucks, and when they fade into obscurity the world will be a better place.

EDIT: Heh, my 666th post. Hopefully that'll put a hex on Jonathan Davis and he'll get run over by his own tour bus or something. 666 times if I have any luck. :p
only 1.3 million? i could understand him if it sold less than 100k, but 1.3 million and thats bad record sales? im gonna fucking puke. that whiney bitch needs a fucking beatdown.
They actually probably did lose sales from CD burning. Their fans are a bunch of bandwagon jumping mallrats with no band loyalty, so what can they expect? Well, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people.

Anyone who complains about "only" going platinum and not double is a spoiled prick.
well, i imagine now adays, almost if not every band loses some cd sales due to cd burning. but in the cases of all these pop stars(of every genre of music), that bitch about only selling lets say 2-3 million copies. lack of cd sales due to burning is probably a lot less than 100,000 copies. the thing is, is that many people, including myself, burn cds to listen to them until they are able to buy the cd. In my case, most cds i listen to are not readily available and international shipping is expensive. what happened to when cds were about $10-15(at most)? now theyre at least $15-20. what the fuck is this shit? i call it illegal price fixing. no wonder people look for alternative means to aquire the music they love.
~Well, let's put it this way. Let's say that the Testament album gets finished next month, and unbeknownst to the band it ends up being readily available to be burned weeks before it even comes out. How many of you here will actually buy it for the asking price after that?
Well Jonathan...this is what happens when all your albums sound the same..it gets boring and people lose intrest. One more problem you have is the fact that trendy music dies hard...sales will not only slow..they will almost completely stop...so there ya go...I don't hardly think there's an element of rocket science here.

I can see why he doesn't understand though...the guy is dumb as a stump..have you ever seen an interview with him? He's as dumb as he is ugly..and that's pretty damn stupid!

AND to the guy who asked if Testament's album leaked early and we got ahold of it for free before the release date would we buy it? Fuck yea we'd all buy it! Testament fans are a tad more mature than Korn fans are...we appreciate our favorite band and we support them..we all understand economics here. Besides that MP3's SOUND LIKE SHIT PEOPLE! Who the hell wants that in their collection????
i completely agree dude,
korn are a dying breed, better left in the gutter than anywhere else!!
Akumojo Dracula X3 said:
~Well, let's put it this way. Let's say that the Testament album gets finished next month, and unbeknownst to the band it ends up being readily available to be burned weeks before it even comes out. How many of you here will actually buy it for the asking price after that?

I will download it just cause I can't wait , but I will FOR SURE buy it too. I'm all for supporting a band I actually like (Testament). I like having the packaging etc. But bands like Metallica have enough of my money over the years so I will download their new one to hear what it sounds like. HEHE
Akumojo Dracula X3 said:
~Well, let's put it this way. Let's say that the Testament album gets finished next month, and unbeknownst to the band it ends up being readily available to be burned weeks before it even comes out. How many of you here will actually buy it for the asking price after that?